It is now time for the absolute truth on 9/11. Heretofore, this has been the 9/11 half-truth movement. That ends today. Enemies of the truth within our ranks are now being noticed and they will be removed. Alex Jones is chief amongst the traitors. Mr. Jones has one primary job: to keep you from noticing the true perpetrators, the Knights of Malta. That is why he focuses on the Bohemian Grove attendees, the Illuminati, and the comparatively weaker Masonic secret societies. Also, 9/11 is not an inside job. It is a foreign attack on America by the Vatican Nation, perpetrated by their military wing, the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, a.k.a. the Knights of Malta.
When Knight of Malta L. Paul Bremer went on NBC on 9/11 to tell us to go to war, he failed to mention that his offices in Marsh and McLennan in the North Tower were the first thing hit in the strike. Hundreds of his coworkers died that day and he doesn't appear to be even slightly bothered by it. He is the first Knight of Malta who should be tried for those murders.
L. Paul Bremer is the longtime assistant of Knight of Malta Henry Kissinger who went on CNN on 9/11, again to tell us to go to war. CNN is owned by Knight of Malta Ted Turner. During his interview, Henry Kissinger neglected to mention that he has always worked for Knight of Malta David Rockefeller who built the WTC in the first place.
The strike is aided on the ground by Knight of Malta Rudy Giuliani whose job it is to get as many firemen and civilians killed as possible. Rudy was knighted in England for his efforts by Knight of Malta Queen Elizabeth.
And it's very fortunate for this group that they have Knight of Malta George W. Bush as US President so that he can begin the second era of the Crusades in the Holy Lands.
Now you know the truth. What are you going to do about it? Are you going to try to pretend it isn't so? Or are you too afraid of the Vatican to go after their people? I should mention that Alex Jones' other big job is making you more afraid so that you start looking under your bed for Feds. What Jones is trying to create is a civil war when what we really need is the second American Revolution. This time, we have to make it stick. While we are arguing about planes or no planes, Jews or no Jews, the Vatican is set to begin World War III using the US military, with Knight of Malta Henry Kissinger at the helm.
We need to see the Vatican as a small set of buildings in Italy, operated by men in dresses. They are not more powerful than us. They are parasites and they will be removed. The people are the true power, but only if they are made aware. US citizens will only regain their power in America by holding to the fundamental structure of our Constitution. You must love your country, that is true nationalism. False nationalism is seeking to take over everybody else's country. It is only a worldwide rise of true Nationalism that will destroy internationalism, which has always come directly from the Vatican. I hail all truly Nationalist leaders. Working together, we will witness the dismantling of the Vatican as a seat of power. This must finally be done, for they will never stop trying to enslave us all.
As a truth movement here in America, there's only one thing we can do about the Vatican and the Knights of Malta. We have to go after its American members who perpetrated 9/11 with litigation. They each must be indicted and tried in court. The best ones to start with are L. Paul Bremer and Rudy Giuliani. These two are both very weak links in the chain.
America has to get its head out of the sand now. I will not have it otherwise. I refuse to be ruled from beyond our shores by the Vatican and its New World Order. That is not the way history will go. 9/11 is the worst mistake the Vatican ever made in its long history of treachery. I promise that it will lead to the dismantling of the Vatican power structure. We are at the crossroads, gentlemen. If we let the Knights of Malta have this one, it will be the end of America and possibly, the World.
When Knight of Malta L. Paul Bremer went on NBC on 9/11 to tell us to go to war, he failed to mention that his offices in Marsh and McLennan in the North Tower were the first thing hit in the strike. Hundreds of his coworkers died that day and he doesn't appear to be even slightly bothered by it. He is the first Knight of Malta who should be tried for those murders.
L. Paul Bremer is the longtime assistant of Knight of Malta Henry Kissinger who went on CNN on 9/11, again to tell us to go to war. CNN is owned by Knight of Malta Ted Turner. During his interview, Henry Kissinger neglected to mention that he has always worked for Knight of Malta David Rockefeller who built the WTC in the first place.
The strike is aided on the ground by Knight of Malta Rudy Giuliani whose job it is to get as many firemen and civilians killed as possible. Rudy was knighted in England for his efforts by Knight of Malta Queen Elizabeth.
And it's very fortunate for this group that they have Knight of Malta George W. Bush as US President so that he can begin the second era of the Crusades in the Holy Lands.
Now you know the truth. What are you going to do about it? Are you going to try to pretend it isn't so? Or are you too afraid of the Vatican to go after their people? I should mention that Alex Jones' other big job is making you more afraid so that you start looking under your bed for Feds. What Jones is trying to create is a civil war when what we really need is the second American Revolution. This time, we have to make it stick. While we are arguing about planes or no planes, Jews or no Jews, the Vatican is set to begin World War III using the US military, with Knight of Malta Henry Kissinger at the helm.
We need to see the Vatican as a small set of buildings in Italy, operated by men in dresses. They are not more powerful than us. They are parasites and they will be removed. The people are the true power, but only if they are made aware. US citizens will only regain their power in America by holding to the fundamental structure of our Constitution. You must love your country, that is true nationalism. False nationalism is seeking to take over everybody else's country. It is only a worldwide rise of true Nationalism that will destroy internationalism, which has always come directly from the Vatican. I hail all truly Nationalist leaders. Working together, we will witness the dismantling of the Vatican as a seat of power. This must finally be done, for they will never stop trying to enslave us all.
As a truth movement here in America, there's only one thing we can do about the Vatican and the Knights of Malta. We have to go after its American members who perpetrated 9/11 with litigation. They each must be indicted and tried in court. The best ones to start with are L. Paul Bremer and Rudy Giuliani. These two are both very weak links in the chain.
America has to get its head out of the sand now. I will not have it otherwise. I refuse to be ruled from beyond our shores by the Vatican and its New World Order. That is not the way history will go. 9/11 is the worst mistake the Vatican ever made in its long history of treachery. I promise that it will lead to the dismantling of the Vatican power structure. We are at the crossroads, gentlemen. If we let the Knights of Malta have this one, it will be the end of America and possibly, the World.
via JREF Forum
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