mercredi 28 mai 2014

Macbook problem

Yes, Macbook not Macbook pro.

for reasons I won't go into here, I was the proud owner of a 2007 Macbook. Recently, this died completely when I opened it up for what I figured would be a small amount of interior maintenance so I was left without one. I found a very cheap one on ebay described as "Used" and bought it. It arrived and was pretty much exactly as described; a working macbook with very minor cosmetic damage. Delighted I put my old hard drive into it and off I went...for a week.

The past couple of days a quiet buzzing noise has been emanating from my fan, getting louder on the occasions the fan cycles up to faster speeds. At first it was only occasional, but has today become almost constant. I figured it was just a bit of dust or similar clogging the fan, but having looked into it in more depth it seems it is possibly this, or possibly the fan bearings working loose. Which is very bad.

I contacted the seller of the macbook and he apologised profusely and offered to give me a full refund if I return the possibly damaged laptop to him, which is fine and I am considering it. However:

1. I want a working version of this thing. I just want the problem fixed and not a refund because that would leave me without enough spare money to really look at buying anything functioning as a replacement again and at the same time leaving me without a laptop.

2. I may have a working spare from the OLD macbook which I didn't throw away for this reason. I've found the closest Apple licensed repair place and have contacted them asking for a potential price for the work, but will have to wait until tomorrow for a reply.

3. I don't actually WANT another form of laptop. Stupid as it sounds, I'm very happy with this old thing, were it not immediately joining it's fellow on the junk heap.

So I guess my question is...anyone got any other ideas? Anyone got a spare fan I can have just in case, or is close enough to me to do this job on the cheap even? I would do it myself, but my previous experience in accidentally severing an internal cable (among other things) has left me rather less enthusiastic about doing anything more intensive than replacing the HDD on this laptop, so I'm kind of up a creek here.

via JREF Forum

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