jeudi 24 octobre 2013

Bully for Bullying, the hottest PC trend

Bully for bullying! It's the latest, trendiest thing for spineless bleeding heart china doll yahoos to whine about. He called me a nasty name! He "intimidated" me! He threatened to throw the ball extra hard at me in dodgeball! He pushed me down! Tito get me a tissue! MOMM-MEEEE...........


PS: yes, I realize there are in fact extreme cases which merit extreme action, but they are also in the extreme minority...I'm not talking about that. I'm also not talking about some kid committing suicide because they were bullied. Sorry but in those cases, that kid had far more serious issues than someone bullying them.

I'm talking about the "bullying" thing becoming yet another bandwagon for the politically correct nazis/perpetual crybabies to have a hissy and perpetuate what is IMO a far more serious problem: the hypersensitization (pretend that's a word) of our society, and for far less severe/merited situations.

via JREF Forum

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