samedi 26 octobre 2013

Responsible Gun Owner Keeps Firearms Safely Locked In Closet

Responsible Gun Owner Keeps Firearms Safely Locked In Closet

In a surprising turn this weekend, gun owner Jim Brown kept his weapons out of the hands of children and other unauthorized users. Nobody was killed.

"He just locked them up after the last time we went to the shooting range," his wife said. "We cleaned the pistols and the Bushmaster when we got home, then he put trigger locks on them and put them in the closet." Brown keeps the ammunition out in the garage, his wife reported, locked in a file cabinet.

"We estimate we have about 100,000 gun owners in this county, but we haven't had any shooting incidents in years" County Sheriff James Jones commented. "I guess these people are just ordinary gun owners."

Local ranges report that paid attendance has been down for several years. "Ammo has just been too hard to find," said range manager Sally Smith at TriggerSports gun club. "We used to get families in here; mom, dad, and the kids, shooting 22's and 9mm's on a friday night. But since Obama was elected paranoid dipsticks have just been buying up all the ammo. I haven't seen a brick of .22 on our shelves for 4 years. We have plenty of imported AK ammo, though."

via JREF Forum

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