dimanche 27 octobre 2013

What Keeps You From Posting?

I am interested in a person's willingness to participate in discussions here or anywhere else on-line (other forums, blog comments, Facebook, etc) under hostile, unfavorable, or reputation risking conditions. I will try to elaborate on the answers in the poll. People may select more than one.

Some threads are contentious, and personal attacks abound, even where moderators remove them. Do people with a desire to comment in those threads ever choose not to because they do not want to deal with or are afraid of personal attacks?

Do people ever choose not to post because they are worried they will post a personal attack of their own and would rather not run the risk?

Do people ever wait for someone else (or more people) with similar positions to post first before making their own posts?

Do people ever wait for others to make personal attacks before joining in the attacks so as not to be singled out?

Do people ever consciously choose not to flag as inappropriate or otherwise report clear rule-breaking posts of those who have similar opinions?

Do people ever consciously choose to flag as inappropriate or otherwise report posts of those with whom they disagree even though a similar post by someone with an agreeable opinion would not be flagged?

Some subject matter is emotionally charged, and supporters of one side of an issue will label those who disagree with them as being members of an outcast group. For example, different sides of a court case may call the other side rape apologists, victim blamers or supporters of pedophiles, bullies, or whatever.

Do people ever choose not to post just to avoid being assigned such a label?

Do people ever choose not to post because the feel that no matter what they say their position will be misconstrued to mean something socially unacceptable? Different than intended

Some opinions are just viewed favorably in general society or within that particular on-line community, such as being an atheist on a board with a highly religious slant. Do people ever choose not to post their opinions because they don't want to risk their on-line reputation?

This list is by no means all-inclusive. I am very interest in hearing about ways in which the social dynamic of the discussion discourages people from posting their opinions.

via JREF Forum http://forums.randi.org/showthread.php?t=267604&goto=newpost

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