As we have completed our study of vibroturgy, let us now continue by examining another intriguing faculty: telekinesis. You have probably already read some of the works that have been written on this subject. Most of them, however, fail to offer any worthwhile explanation concerning the actual nature of this faculty—their authors confining themselves instead to pointing out its spectacular aspects. Yet the primary value of this practice does not lie in the results we may obtain, however astonishing they may be. From a Rosicrucian point of view, more interest is to be found in an understanding of the laws which make its application possible. Moreover, such understanding is an absolute necessity for successful results in this field, because we cannot master principles of which we are ignorant.
TELEKINESIS: You are now aware that vibroturgy is based upon the psychic interpretation of the vibrations which are constantly being given off by the material world. Because of this faculty, it is possible to harmonize ourselves with the vibratory “memory” of objects and to receive meaningful impressions concerning the persons to whom they belong or belonged. Such was the purpose of the experiment which you were given in the last monograph. As for telekinesis, it is based upon the opposite principle. In other words, it consists of using the power of thought to act upon matter for a specific purpose. Naturally, such an ability is rarely innate and it demands considerable concentration. And so, contrary to psychoturgic perception, which requires a considerable measure of receptivity, all psychokinetic action depends upon our ability to focus all our psychic energy toward a given point. Thus, it may be seen as a dynamic principle.
When used upon some object, telekinesis may produce three major effects: the object may move or change its location, its shape may change, or its intrinsic nature may be transmuted. Thus, we can concentrate upon a ball and make it slowly spin or roll a certain distance. In doing this, the most difficult part is to create the impulsion that will begin the turning or moving of the ball, because once begun, the movement will continue of its own accord. On the other hand, when the object is not spherical or circular, this initial impulsion must be constantly maintained, as the surface encountering friction will be larger. The same holds true if the object is heavy or large.
Moreover, telekinesis has certain limits, and it may not be used on every substance or on every material body. For example, we
cannot use it to move rocks or blocks of stone weighing several tons. And so, contrary to what we may read in certain accounts, the Egyptian pyramids were not constructed by means of this faculty. There is no doubt, however, that they were erected under the supervision of Initiates who possessed impressive knowledge and who had mastered levitation, a specific form of telekinesis. In any event, the labor of hundreds if not thousands of people was necessary for their construction.
As we indicated earlier, it is possible to change the shape of an object by means of telekinesis. For example, certain particularly gifted subjects are capable of twisting iron rods or bending lead plates at a distance. Research conducted by scientists in our Order shows that metallic objects are the most malleable in this regard, probably because of metal’s capacity to conduct electricity and heat. This finding seems to indicate that all telekinetic action affects the molecular structure of objects and produces an increase in their internal temperature, such change in temperature being expressed by a certain degree of distortion in their outer appearance. For reasons you will readily understand, this particular application of telekinesis is as difficult as the first, if not more so. Then again, it too has its own limitations, for human consciousness may act upon matter only within the limits of natural and universal laws. By virtue of this principle, we are unable to use the power of thought to radically modify the appearance of our material environment and to shape it according to our desires.
Of the three main forms of telekinesis, the third is beyond question the most difficult to accomplish, as it has to do with a veritable transmutation of matter. It consists, in fact, of acting upon the vibratory nature of an object, to the point of changing its substance or transforming it into another object. Strictly speaking, it is possible to transmute a steel marble into a gold one or to cause it to assume the shape of a cube. In reality, only the Masters or highest Initiates are capable of accomplishing such a transmutation, for it necessitates a power of concentration out of the ordinary and a very high level of psychic development. Moreover, those who master this faculty use it only in exceptional circumstances and for specific purposes. In other words, they employ it only when circumstances demand it or for purposes conforming to the universal good. Along this same line of thinking, we must state clearly that its application is ineffective on living beings of any kind. We may not use telekinesis to change one animal into another, an animal into a human, a human into an animal, etc., as such metamorphoses are incompatible with cosmic laws.
As we have described the results obtainable by means of telekinesis, it is now important to examine the way in which this faculty works. In this way you will better understand what makes its application possible and you will then be able to put it to use knowledgeably. In previous monographs, we saw that the pineal and pituitary glands are sensitive to vibrations which have been “memorized” by our surroundings, and that psychoturgic perception is based upon this sensitivity. However, the psychic activity of these two glands is not limited to this function. They are, at the same time, constantly generating a flow of energy which is conveyed to all the organs of our head by following the pathways of the autonomic nervous system. Thus, it is possible to concentrate this energy in our eyes and to focus it outwardly on a given point so as to exert telekinetic action upon a chosen object. Here is the key to this power, so mysterious to those who do not understand the laws by which it manifests through humans.
According to the foregoing explanations, the eyes are more than organs of objective sight. To put it a different way, their role is not restricted to receiving light waves and retransmitting them to the brain by means of the optic nerves. The eyes also make possible the channeling outside ourselves of the psychic energy continually generated by our pineal and pituitary glands, this energy then manifesting as an invisible and intangible fluid. In this sense, the human eye truly possesses a mystical power, one that has been known to all Initiates since remotest antiquity. In ancient Egypt, this power was symbolized by the eye of Horus, and correspondences to it are found in Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, to mention only the more well-known religions. Various sacred writings of these religions refer respectively to the eye of Shiva, the eye of Dharma, the eye of Yahweh, the eye of Christ, and the eye of Allah. Whatever terminology is used, this eye refers not only to Divine Sight, which is omnipresent, but also to the spiritual function of human eyes, which are traditionally thought to be the “windows of the soul,” or the expression of our inner nature.
EXPERIMENT: To put into practice what we have just explained about telekinesis, we suggest that you perform the following experiment some time in the next few days. To do this, you will need a container, such as a cup or bowl, and a small lightweight ball, preferably a ping-pong ball. When
you have obtained these things, proceed as follows: Fill your bowl with water and place it on your sanctum altar or on a table.
Wait until the water becomes perfectly still, and then gently place the ball in the center of the bowl.
Seat yourself comfortably. Place your hands on either side of the bowl, with your palms turned toward it, and then close your eyes.
While seated in this position, take deep positive breaths while concentrating your psychic consciousness toward your eyes.
When you feel a tingling or a sensation of warmth or coolness in your eyeballs, allow your breathing to return to normal, slowly open your eyes, and focus your gaze on the ball with the intention of making it move. As much as possible, avoid blinking your eyes.
If your psychic development is sufficient and if you are able to reach the degree of concentration necessary, the ball will slowly turn or move on the surface of the water. Unless you possess an exceptional gift for telekinesis, this rotation or movement will be slight, and this is to be expected in the beginning. Nonetheless, the motion will be sufficient enough to leave no doubt in your mind that its origin is telekinetic. However, if you notice no significant effect after several minutes of concentration, end the experiment. Naturally, you may repeat this experiment as often as you wish in the next few hours or days. As with vibroturgy, only by regular practice will you gradually awaken this faculty and obtain more convincing results. Be patient and persevering.
You may be wondering why we asked you to place the ball in a container filled with water, when it would seem more simple to place it directly on your sanctum altar or table. The reason is that in this way your telekinesis is made easier and your chances of success are increased. In fact, in using the method we have indicated, the psychic flux emanating from your eyes acts upon the water and produces microscopic ripples on its surface. While these ripples are imperceptible to the objective eye, they nevertheless have an effect on the ball and amplify the psychokinetic action you are exerting upon it, facilitating and maintaining its rotation or its movement. Of course, this experiment may be carried out on any surface, but it will then require a greater degree of psychic
concentration. Thus, until you have acquired sufficient mastery in its faculty, we advise you to proceed as we have outlined.
From now until your next study period, be sure to perform today’s experiment on several occasions. Aside from any telekinetic results you may obtain, remember to record in your notebook the impressions you experience, as these impressions may constitute a mystical experience in their own right.
TELEKINESIS: You are now aware that vibroturgy is based upon the psychic interpretation of the vibrations which are constantly being given off by the material world. Because of this faculty, it is possible to harmonize ourselves with the vibratory “memory” of objects and to receive meaningful impressions concerning the persons to whom they belong or belonged. Such was the purpose of the experiment which you were given in the last monograph. As for telekinesis, it is based upon the opposite principle. In other words, it consists of using the power of thought to act upon matter for a specific purpose. Naturally, such an ability is rarely innate and it demands considerable concentration. And so, contrary to psychoturgic perception, which requires a considerable measure of receptivity, all psychokinetic action depends upon our ability to focus all our psychic energy toward a given point. Thus, it may be seen as a dynamic principle.
When used upon some object, telekinesis may produce three major effects: the object may move or change its location, its shape may change, or its intrinsic nature may be transmuted. Thus, we can concentrate upon a ball and make it slowly spin or roll a certain distance. In doing this, the most difficult part is to create the impulsion that will begin the turning or moving of the ball, because once begun, the movement will continue of its own accord. On the other hand, when the object is not spherical or circular, this initial impulsion must be constantly maintained, as the surface encountering friction will be larger. The same holds true if the object is heavy or large.
Moreover, telekinesis has certain limits, and it may not be used on every substance or on every material body. For example, we
cannot use it to move rocks or blocks of stone weighing several tons. And so, contrary to what we may read in certain accounts, the Egyptian pyramids were not constructed by means of this faculty. There is no doubt, however, that they were erected under the supervision of Initiates who possessed impressive knowledge and who had mastered levitation, a specific form of telekinesis. In any event, the labor of hundreds if not thousands of people was necessary for their construction.
As we indicated earlier, it is possible to change the shape of an object by means of telekinesis. For example, certain particularly gifted subjects are capable of twisting iron rods or bending lead plates at a distance. Research conducted by scientists in our Order shows that metallic objects are the most malleable in this regard, probably because of metal’s capacity to conduct electricity and heat. This finding seems to indicate that all telekinetic action affects the molecular structure of objects and produces an increase in their internal temperature, such change in temperature being expressed by a certain degree of distortion in their outer appearance. For reasons you will readily understand, this particular application of telekinesis is as difficult as the first, if not more so. Then again, it too has its own limitations, for human consciousness may act upon matter only within the limits of natural and universal laws. By virtue of this principle, we are unable to use the power of thought to radically modify the appearance of our material environment and to shape it according to our desires.
Of the three main forms of telekinesis, the third is beyond question the most difficult to accomplish, as it has to do with a veritable transmutation of matter. It consists, in fact, of acting upon the vibratory nature of an object, to the point of changing its substance or transforming it into another object. Strictly speaking, it is possible to transmute a steel marble into a gold one or to cause it to assume the shape of a cube. In reality, only the Masters or highest Initiates are capable of accomplishing such a transmutation, for it necessitates a power of concentration out of the ordinary and a very high level of psychic development. Moreover, those who master this faculty use it only in exceptional circumstances and for specific purposes. In other words, they employ it only when circumstances demand it or for purposes conforming to the universal good. Along this same line of thinking, we must state clearly that its application is ineffective on living beings of any kind. We may not use telekinesis to change one animal into another, an animal into a human, a human into an animal, etc., as such metamorphoses are incompatible with cosmic laws.
As we have described the results obtainable by means of telekinesis, it is now important to examine the way in which this faculty works. In this way you will better understand what makes its application possible and you will then be able to put it to use knowledgeably. In previous monographs, we saw that the pineal and pituitary glands are sensitive to vibrations which have been “memorized” by our surroundings, and that psychoturgic perception is based upon this sensitivity. However, the psychic activity of these two glands is not limited to this function. They are, at the same time, constantly generating a flow of energy which is conveyed to all the organs of our head by following the pathways of the autonomic nervous system. Thus, it is possible to concentrate this energy in our eyes and to focus it outwardly on a given point so as to exert telekinetic action upon a chosen object. Here is the key to this power, so mysterious to those who do not understand the laws by which it manifests through humans.
According to the foregoing explanations, the eyes are more than organs of objective sight. To put it a different way, their role is not restricted to receiving light waves and retransmitting them to the brain by means of the optic nerves. The eyes also make possible the channeling outside ourselves of the psychic energy continually generated by our pineal and pituitary glands, this energy then manifesting as an invisible and intangible fluid. In this sense, the human eye truly possesses a mystical power, one that has been known to all Initiates since remotest antiquity. In ancient Egypt, this power was symbolized by the eye of Horus, and correspondences to it are found in Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, to mention only the more well-known religions. Various sacred writings of these religions refer respectively to the eye of Shiva, the eye of Dharma, the eye of Yahweh, the eye of Christ, and the eye of Allah. Whatever terminology is used, this eye refers not only to Divine Sight, which is omnipresent, but also to the spiritual function of human eyes, which are traditionally thought to be the “windows of the soul,” or the expression of our inner nature.
EXPERIMENT: To put into practice what we have just explained about telekinesis, we suggest that you perform the following experiment some time in the next few days. To do this, you will need a container, such as a cup or bowl, and a small lightweight ball, preferably a ping-pong ball. When
you have obtained these things, proceed as follows: Fill your bowl with water and place it on your sanctum altar or on a table.
Wait until the water becomes perfectly still, and then gently place the ball in the center of the bowl.
Seat yourself comfortably. Place your hands on either side of the bowl, with your palms turned toward it, and then close your eyes.
While seated in this position, take deep positive breaths while concentrating your psychic consciousness toward your eyes.
When you feel a tingling or a sensation of warmth or coolness in your eyeballs, allow your breathing to return to normal, slowly open your eyes, and focus your gaze on the ball with the intention of making it move. As much as possible, avoid blinking your eyes.
If your psychic development is sufficient and if you are able to reach the degree of concentration necessary, the ball will slowly turn or move on the surface of the water. Unless you possess an exceptional gift for telekinesis, this rotation or movement will be slight, and this is to be expected in the beginning. Nonetheless, the motion will be sufficient enough to leave no doubt in your mind that its origin is telekinetic. However, if you notice no significant effect after several minutes of concentration, end the experiment. Naturally, you may repeat this experiment as often as you wish in the next few hours or days. As with vibroturgy, only by regular practice will you gradually awaken this faculty and obtain more convincing results. Be patient and persevering.
You may be wondering why we asked you to place the ball in a container filled with water, when it would seem more simple to place it directly on your sanctum altar or table. The reason is that in this way your telekinesis is made easier and your chances of success are increased. In fact, in using the method we have indicated, the psychic flux emanating from your eyes acts upon the water and produces microscopic ripples on its surface. While these ripples are imperceptible to the objective eye, they nevertheless have an effect on the ball and amplify the psychokinetic action you are exerting upon it, facilitating and maintaining its rotation or its movement. Of course, this experiment may be carried out on any surface, but it will then require a greater degree of psychic
concentration. Thus, until you have acquired sufficient mastery in its faculty, we advise you to proceed as we have outlined.
From now until your next study period, be sure to perform today’s experiment on several occasions. Aside from any telekinetic results you may obtain, remember to record in your notebook the impressions you experience, as these impressions may constitute a mystical experience in their own right.
via International Skeptics Forum
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