lundi 12 février 2018

Now its aid charities, #MeToo

First, it was Harvey Weinstein and Hollywood and the flood gates opened revealing the level of sexual abuse. Then in the UK it was the House of Parliament. Now it is Oxfam, which broke over news about men sleeping with Haitian victims of the 2011 earthquake;

Now there are allegations of widespread abuse of female staff and those who are the victims of the disasters;

"Thanks to brave whistleblowers and those who have confronted Oxfam, many of whom are women, the floodgates are now open. It will be impossible to hold back all the information emerging from other aid organisations on the opaque and damaging cultures that have allowed potential criminal activity, sexual exploitation, harassment and other abhorrent behaviour to thrive, and indeed be rewarded through the promotion of those accused of wrongdoing. We have seen at least one resignation – there may be more."

via International Skeptics Forum

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