mardi 20 février 2018

Kris kobach saying dumb things

Leave it to kobach, Breitbart, and fox to cram so much dumb into a single piece.

He was recently talking about citizenship on the census


KOBACH: Well, I think it’s a dirty little secret that they don’t really want to talk about. And you’re absolutely right, the 1964 decision of the Supreme Court, Westbury vs. Sanders says voting dilution is unconstitutional. You cannot have one congressional district where there are fewer voters than are another district and because of illegal immigration, we have crazy disproportional. Extraordinary numbers where in a midwestern seat you might have to get 120,000 votes to win your election, and in Waters’ district, you might only need 40,000 votes to win.

KOBACH: The only argument against [the citizenship question on the U.S. census] that I have heard is a really lame one. They say that people will be afraid to answer the census form if it has the citizenship question, which is ridiculous first of all. And secondly, we already ask the citizenship question on the American Communities Survey, which about one percent of the population gets and the Census Bureau asks that, it’s an ongoing survey. The Democrats never complained about that. Only when suddenly we talk about putting the citizenship question back on the census do the people on the Left start…

CARLSON: But why should we care if people who aren’t allowed to vote in our elections are afraid to answer a census which is designed to proportion congressional districts?

KOBACH: Well, there’s that too. If you’re illegally in this country, we shouldn’t be considering you a resident anyway because you could go home at any day, you could be deported any moment, so why in the world would we be worried about counting you.
Let's see...

Westbury v. Sanders said proportionment of population, not voters.

He doesn't know Westbury does not alter the Constitutional requirement of one house seat per state minimum so doesn't care about disproportion across counties.

The reason to complain about the citizenship question suppressing answers is that the Constitution requires everyone to be counted.

Everyone, including illegals, are supposed to be counted for purposes of apportionment. The Constitution makes no exceptions.

My bet: this isn't a plot on his part. I bet he is just many Trump fans.

via International Skeptics Forum

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