lundi 6 février 2017

LIGO's detection of GWR and "the VETO"

LIGO - Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory - made headlines a year ago with its announcement of the detection of gravitational-wave radiation from the merger of two stellar-mass black holes (link to the February 11, 2016 LIGO PR).

I recently came across a truly extraordinary claim, made in the Thunderdolts forum (no, I'm not going to provide a link; Google will find the source easily enough), part of which is: "LIGO is another dishonest example of that "sigma" manipulation routine in action. The LIGO team originally received a *VETO* on their original signal. They later chose to override that VETO, they then intentionally lied in their published paper by falsely claiming there was no veto within an hour of the signal, and they claimed it couldn't possibly be anything but a gravity wave [sic]. Those actions of omitting any information about the original VETO and claiming that there was no VETO literally crosses the line into the realm of gross professional misconduct."

Does anyone know what this is about? Specifically the "veto" ("VETO", "*VETO*") ... what is it? how does it work?

via International Skeptics Forum

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