mercredi 12 octobre 2016

Suppose Gore had won?

Al Gore has started to campaign for Clinton, most recently saying something like "Every vote counts, and I'm exhibit No. 1." Subject for discussion: Where would we be if Gore had taken office in 2001? I'm assuming 9/11 would probably still have happened (although I think it's possible that a Gore administration might have taken the warnings about bin Laden more seriously and maybe have been able to prevent it). After 9/11, we would still have invaded Afghanistan, but I can't imagine that we would have attacked Iraq. I suspect a liberal Democratic administration might have been more alert to warnings about the looming financial crisis. But if Gore had won a second term, it would have been 16 years of Democrats in the White House. It's not likely that Obama or Hillary or any other Democrat would have been elected in 2008, so we might still have gotten a Pres. Bush. Etc.

via International Skeptics Forum

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