mercredi 12 octobre 2016

I saw a UFO

In 1957 I went out into the garden in Kent to watch for sputnik one. I heard it was due to pass overhead so I waited for it at night time. I was watching for a while and while I was looking at the stars I noticed one had changed position in relation to the nearby stars. I started watching it and it moved slowly along, then stopped. It stopped for a minute or two then moved off again. This happened several times before it disappeared from view. It looked like just another star and it moved systematically and stopped and moved again at regular intervals. I am absolutely certain it was not a helicopter as it was soundless, and it could not have been a weather balloon as it moved and stopped regularly. It could not have been a U2 spy plane as I don't think they could hover. I have no explanation as to what it was so I call it a UFO. An unidentified flying object.
Not long after it disappeared sputnik one flew over, and it was brighter and faster than the object I saw, and sputnik moved smoothly across the sky in a couple of minutes.
I would love to know what this object was, anyone got any ideas?

via International Skeptics Forum

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