Well, they've got me fixing the printer at work again. Last time, I managed to replace the toner cartridge (posted about it, thanks for all the troubleshooting aid!), but now, the drum unit needs replaced.
So I ordered the correct unit (the printer is a Brother HL-228ODW model) and put it in according to the instructions on the Brother site. Then, after some headache, I finally got it to "reset the drum counter," whatever the hell that is. The display screen is no longer saying "drum replace soon" or anything, but the print quality is still like it was. It can't be the toner because I just replaced that a couple weeks ago, and we don't really use the printer that often, and rarer still for large print jobs.
I'm having trouble googling the specifics in a helpful way. Does anyone here have any ideas as to what I'm overlooking here still?
Thanks :).
So I ordered the correct unit (the printer is a Brother HL-228ODW model) and put it in according to the instructions on the Brother site. Then, after some headache, I finally got it to "reset the drum counter," whatever the hell that is. The display screen is no longer saying "drum replace soon" or anything, but the print quality is still like it was. It can't be the toner because I just replaced that a couple weeks ago, and we don't really use the printer that often, and rarer still for large print jobs.
I'm having trouble googling the specifics in a helpful way. Does anyone here have any ideas as to what I'm overlooking here still?
Thanks :).
via International Skeptics Forum http://ift.tt/2e4GkXm
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