mardi 11 octobre 2016

Anglo-Saxon Poditichesky Сartel Сonspiracy


Originally Posted by halleyscomet (Post 11522370)
These are the words of a man who thinks interviewing him will increase a Podcast's revenues?!? Where did you learn English, from badly done English dubs of La Blue Girl?

My English is enough to understand that the last 100 years the world is ruled by "Anglo-Saxon Poditichesky Сartel Сonspiracy."

Officially we see USA, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand as 5 independent countries.
But really they are the secret criminal "Anglo-Saxon Poditichesky Сartel Сonspiracy" that has achieved the greate political and economical result for itself and a very bad result for most other countries.

via International Skeptics Forum

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