This is a hard read. It goes into considerable detail about just how vie and disgusting the Mormon treatment of LGBT youth really is. The next time someone tries to depict this vile cult ans benign or even benevolent, remember this article.
The Ghost Children of Mormon Country
The Ghost Children of Mormon Country
At 15, Quigley was living at the Mill Creek Youth Center, in Ogden, where over the next 18 months she would be raped four times by four different men residing at the state custody facility. When she nearly became victim to a fifth rape, Quigley fought back and injured the assailant. The police were called. Although Quigley had acted in self-defense, she was arrested for assault. Standing before an orthodox Mormon judge, she was tried as an adult with a fourth-degree felony and sentenced to two years at the Weber County Jail, where she would be placed in solitary confinement (called “protective custody,” due to her gender identity), raped an additional 11 times, and assaulted many more times, once ending up in the hospital to get 27 stitches after being stabbed. She attempted suicide by hanging and was in a coma for three days. |
via International Skeptics Forum
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