jeudi 18 février 2016

Brain Games and The Story of God

"Brain Games" and "The Story of God" tackle existential angst and the intersection of religion, culture, and neuroscience.


Brain Games, which began its fifth season February 14, uses mind games to unveil cultural mores and universal behavior. It devotes its February 21 episode The God Brain—shot in Jerusalem against the backdrop of the world’s major religions—to the neuroscience of religious experience.

The Story of God with Morgan Freeman, a six-part series debuting April 3, explores different cultures and religions around the world to uncover the meaning of life and ask questions of the ages: Who or what is God? Where did we come from? Why does evil happen? What happens when we die?
Jason Silva on Science, Adventure and Exploration [2:43]
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It is great to see the expanding idea of G()D being examined in relation to reality and the possible reasons for how the idea may have been initiated and how it has evolved through the variety of cultures and politics of the human species.


The Search is existential. Exploration, science and adventure is how we search not just for answers but for better questions; It’s how we rage against the darkness, how we battle against ignorance, make inwards against dogma.

Exploration is how we map the world; Science is how we come to understand it; Adventure is how we come alive. These are our tools against meaninglessness. ~ Walker Percy

via International Skeptics Forum

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