vendredi 19 juin 2015

One Man's Sad Campaign Against Newtonian Physics

This is is a minute-long video produced by an Apollo hoax proponent who goes by Terry Badger on YouTube.

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A while back I had an exchange with him. Among his claims was the tired old "rockets can't work in space because there's nothing to push against" crap. At one point I looked up and provided to him the names and office numbers of the math and science chairs of the community college he claimed to be attending. I told him that if they confirmed his claim and didn't mind an e-mail, he should let me know and I would contact them for an explanation of my error. His only response was, "I wouldn't believe it if God himself told me!". I also asked him to explain how satellite TV works if nothing can be maneuvered in space. He has completely ignored the question. trying to explain to this guy why his asinine "experiment" proves nothing would be futile. His self-esteem depends on his belief that he's right.

via International Skeptics Forum

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