vendredi 26 juin 2015

The Black Dilemma.---From The Baltimore Sun

The email that appears in this Snopes article was forwarded to me by somebody close to me.

The person routinely forwards me miscellaneous right wing rant style stuff like Obama wasn't born in the US, global warming is a hoax, etc. Sometimes there's some of the routine hypocritical stuff about how they worked hard and their money is getting used up to subsidize all the malingerers that aren't like them.

I never know exactly what to do with this stuff. On the global warming and birther stuff I responded with a fairly long email explaining why I disagreed. On occasion I've done a reply all with my responses but usually I just limit the response to the person in question or a few of my family members. Mostly I just ignore the stuff, but I have mixed feelings about that since I assume the person forwarding them to me is looking for an opinion from me. On the other hand, my thought is, there isn't that much time in life and why make a big deal out of a few areas where we might disagree. The individual in question is significantly older than me.

This email was the first one where I've noticed a significantly racist tone, except for the Arab bashing which is a pretty common theme.

I've wondered for awhile about who is the initial source of these emails. They almost always contain some significant falsehoods or misrepresentations (the birther one was particularly bad on falsehood front). Often times they are misattributed like this one.

I wrote this reply this evening, but I may not send it.


Originally Posted by dave

Hello ########,

As you might have guessed the Baltimore Sun didn't run this editorial.

While many online postings of the above-displayed article in June 2015 claimed that it had been recently published in Baltimore Sun, this article has actually been circulating on the Internet since at least September 2014, when it was published under the title “Ten Percent Is Not Enough” in the American Renaissance blog.

The American Renaissance posting was originally attributed to Anthony Bryan; but his name was stripped from versions shared via Internet forums, craigslist postings, and comments sections of several race-related articles. Several different authorial names have been attached to the piece, including “John S. Mosby” (a Confederate cavalry officer) and “Edmund Hughes,” but the article didn’t truly go viral until after the Baltimore Sun attribution was tacked on.
Perhaps there is some truth to the editorial, but it is also wildly racist.
From the article:
The fundamental problem is that American black culture has evolved into an unfixable and crime ridden mess. They do not want to change their culture or society, and expect others to tolerate their violence and amoral behavior.

Who constitutes the "they" that is being referred to? Only a racist individual would refer to a group of people as if everybody in the group is the same. White people can be all sorts of things and have all sorts of opinions but black people are a monolithic group that consists only of people that "do not want to change their culture or society, and expect others to tolerate their violence and amoral behavior"? This is racial stereotyping of the most disgusting kind designed to pander to whites who want to pretend their **** don't stink.

The comment about half the people think that they don't have to work because they think the other half is going to take care of them is blatantly ignorant. Millions of black Americans work damn hard in this country and they aren't looking for anybody to take care of them.

This is not to say that there aren't problems in the black community that are disturbing, but lumping every black person in this country (almost all of whom have some white ancestry) together as some sort of malingerer only trying to have somebody else pay his way is uninformed to say the least and is really just vile racist narcissism by the jerk that wrote this.

via International Skeptics Forum

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