mardi 23 juin 2015

Dylann Roof: The Second Amendment Strikes Again

Another opportunity to see reactions from hobbyists, when their toy of choice is used to kill a bunch of people.


“I don’t look at the gun as the problem,” said the 46-year-old man, who gave his name as Scott. “I look at the individual. He pulled the trigger. The gun didn’t jump up and start shooting people.

“That’s on him.”
Which is scarier...Dylann Roof with an icepick?
Dylann Roof with a kitchen knife?
Or Dylann Roof with a gun?

As long as we have Dylann Roofs walking around (and we will), why make it easier for them to kill people?


A store worker exploded Tuesday when asked about Roof’s reported purchase just two months ago, and called the police to chase the media away.

“Get off my property right now,” he ordered reporters at the business. “We don’t give information out like that. I don’t know anything about it. Just go!”
That seems like a pretty extreme reaction. I can understand it, though. I mean, if I sold a gun to somebody who used it to kill 9 people, it would weigh heavily on my conscience. If only we could detect these "mentally ill" folks before they go on a killing rampage!

via International Skeptics Forum

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