mardi 23 juin 2015

What is the definition of “I”? -- “I” is the software which runs on neural-network-HW

The most fundamental existential question is “who am I?” – the same question rephrased in more scientific way is “what is the definition of “I”?”.
If we answer this question incorrectly then all our subsequent actions in our life are meaningless.

Let's do simple thought experiment. Suppose I am sitting in the room and I cut off my one leg and throw it out the window, and now the question – where I am left: inside the room or outside the window? The answer is obvious – I am in the room and not outside the window, which means that the location of “I” is not in the leg which was cut off. Now let’s cut off the arm and throw it out the window, and now the question – where I am left: inside the room or outside the window? The answer is obvious – I am in the room and not outside the window, which means that the location of “I” is not in the arm which was cut off. In the same way we can cut off other parts of the body and throw them out the window as well, we can replace all internal organs with artificial ones (artificial heart, etc) throwing original organs out the window, and every time when we cut off some piece of my body and throw these pieces out the window – “I” still remains in the room and not outside the window. Some people think that “I” is located in the neurons of the brain. Well, theoretically we can replace a single original natural neuron by artificial neuron which has exactly the same functionality as the original natural neuron – in that case “I” will remain unchanged. Then we can replace the second original natural neuron by artificial neuron, then we can replace the third neuron, the fourth neuron, and so on – even when all neurons in the brain will be replaced by artificial neurons – the “I” will remain unchanged.
So what is “I”, where “I” is located? Neurocluster Brain Model provides the answer to this question.

Neurocluster Brain Model defines “I” (a.k.a. “spirit”, “soul”, “consciousness”, etc) as the software which runs on neural-network-hardware (i.e. on neurons of the brain).
“I” is not the material neurons themselves however “I” is the software which runs on neural-network-hardware. “I” can be cloned/copied or ported to another hardware and can successfully run on another hardware even when the first hardware is physically destroyed – exactly in the same way as the computer program can be cloned/copied or ported to another hardware. Thus, periodical transferring of “I-software” to another new hardware provides unlimited existence time (a.k.a. “immortality”).

And this raises an interesting technical question: this definition of “I” is a materialistic or not? The answer depends on how you answer the question: information is matter or not? Information cannot exist without a material carrier, however information itself is not a matter.

More detailed description is at the address:

via International Skeptics Forum

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