jeudi 4 juin 2015

Conservatives, you're NOT happier than us! You can stop gloating now...

12 March 2015

"According to a new study published online today in Science, the tiny differences found in previous studies may have resulted from a slight tendency on the part of political conservatives to “self-enhance,” or view themselves in an unrealistically positive light."

Rather than truly being happier than liberals, conservatives may be more prone to put a positive spin on their lives. To test that possibility, Sean Wojcik, a psychologist at the University of California, Irvine, and colleagues devised a study that aimed to assess not just happiness but also people’s tendency to self-enhance.
I had been aware of these new studies but only came across the recent one after a number of people have made this argument to me, very proudly and insultingly. I always figured hey, you believe in God and that the market solves social problems, not being depressed isn't an adaption you're just a loon living in a daydream, enjoy your "happiness" but here, well, I think it's more likely that they are just completely full of ****.

Thank God!

Hopefully, we can all agree that this "I'm happier than you" stuff is really uncool and anti-humanist and we can drop it.

via International Skeptics Forum

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