mercredi 17 juin 2015

Clinton Presidency: Family doctor a total quack


Some people who have known Mr. Clinton for years, especially his Arkansas friends, have said he looks too thin, almost frail. “He’s good,” Dr. Hyman said.

“Look at how fat they are and they’re eating cotton candy,” he said, pulling out his iPhone. “I know it’s really tacky, but I’m going to take a picture.”

If I saw that in a restaurant I would go over to the table and say something quietly that he wouldn't forget.

Honestly **** this guy, just on that.


He said Michelle Obama has been overly influenced by the food industry on her “Let’s Move!” initiative to combat childhood obesity.

“She was vilifying the food industry and talking about food, but then she called it ‘Let’s Move!,’ which sounds like ‘Let’s exercise more,’ ” Dr. Hyman said. “The subliminal message is that it’s your fault you’re fat.”

When asked if Mrs. Clinton agreed with this critique, he was quick to say she did not.
There may be hope for America after all...

Hyman thinks vaccines cause autism.

Over at Science-Based Medicine (a good blog that the JREF promotes if you don't know about it)


Should I vote for her, knowing that she's likely appoint people like Dr. Hyman to health policy positions?​ Say what you will about Hillary Clinton, before meeting Dr. Hyman, she didn’t use to be into what I would consider woo, at least not as far as I can tell. I was half-tempted at the beginning of this post to crack a lame joke about how Hillary Clinton, when she found Dr. Hyman to take care of her husband, wasn’t actually trying to keep him around for decades to come at all, but then I thought better of it. The reason is that she clearly does take Dr. Hyman and his functional medicine woo seriously, just as Senator Tom Harkin took a lot of alternative medicine seriously and Representative Dan Burton took the antivaccine view that vaccines cause autism seriously. Does she take him seriously enough to try to take his ideas and implement some of them in her health policy if she ends up being elected President in 2016?
If this guy set foot in my mother's house I would be livid... guy is going to be invited into the most important house in the world... Makes me seriously question the sanity of these people.

I guess it can't be worse than Jeremiah Wright... wait, yes it can... honestly wtf...

via International Skeptics Forum

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