And this guy has a Kickstarter to prove it!
All it will take is $50,000 - please give, please give NOW :D
There's a video and everything. With a song.
Although... if it has already been CONCLUSIVELY DISPROVED one does wonder why he needs $50K to do the experiment again, considering the previous one was so conclusive :confused:
All it will take is $50,000 - please give, please give NOW :D
There's a video and everything. With a song.
The "double helix" has already been conclusively disproven as a structure for DNA in life. We need to make scientists look. I invite you to join me in a noble quest: to fund a relatively inexpensive scientific experiment which will prove, beyond all possible doubt, that DNA -- our genetic material -- which determines who and what we are -- does NOT have the structure you were taught in school. In school, we were all taught that DNA is a "double-helix", a twisted structure, like braided hair. You see this spiral structure whirling about endlessly, on television science shows. Well, I'm here to tell you that that structure is WRONG. The actual structure is NON-helical, looking more like a ladder. with 2 parallel strands, connected by rungs in between. Does it matter? Should you care? I'd say so -- I'd say that it matters a lot. Since DNA is arguably the most important chemical in the entire biological world, you'd want to think that if there was a fundamental error in our knowledge of it, scientists would rush to correct it. Well, that didn't happen, and it's not going to, unless YOU make it happen. And WHY won't scientists correct the error? There are multiple reasons, all BAD reasons, but which collectively add up to a solid brick wall of resistance |
Although... if it has already been CONCLUSIVELY DISPROVED one does wonder why he needs $50K to do the experiment again, considering the previous one was so conclusive :confused:
via International Skeptics Forum
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