mercredi 31 décembre 2014

Computer Sci majors, what does this mean?

In the comments following a news story alleging an increased statistical likelihood that someone will die on his birthday, there is this:


"Um... you know that's a mathematical issue which is a part of the core curriculum of every Computer Science major in America: everyone is born on the same day and will die on the same day.

The "trick" is to understand why that is true. A now-venerable Doerr & Levasseur text (Applied Discrete Structures for Computer Science) has some background material which might be both useful & entertaining. If anyone actually reads textbooks, April Fools (and today, apparently) is the day to do so."

What does this mean? I don't want to buy (and try to understand) the textbook. Is this a too-clever way of saying everybody is born on his first day and dies on his last day? Or what?

via International Skeptics Forum

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