dimanche 13 juillet 2014

When Jesus does return will Christians even recognize him?

When Jesus finally does return most Christians will be expecting to an individual who fits the following description:

A blonde haired, blue eyed, white male, who goes by the name J esus, who was born on December 25th, considers himself to be a Christian or the son of God, or God in the flesh, who is not circumcised, has no problem eating pork, someone who abstains from food and drink through fasting, does not pray by placing his forehead on the ground just as Muslims do, does not use the word "Elah" when referring to God, and someone whose mother did not dress in Hijab.

Many will no doubt have the expectation that they will lay eyes on literal son of God, or God in the flesh, or a man who is 100% and 100% God, despite the last one being a logically unsound concept (similar to a square circle, or insert any two things which hold both exclusive and contradictory properties) and not even something which can be explained by the Catholic Church or the Pope. The actual likelihood of this is quite low, considering the fact that there exist no verses in the Bible which show Jesus to have ever claimed any of these titles for himself.

How many "Sons" does God have?

Now ask yourself just how surprised/disappointed they will be when they find out the fictitious image which they have been feed for as long as they can remember was nothing more than just that, fiction. And the truth of this matter can be seen in any one of their own holy books the Bible, if only they had taken the time to open it up and actually read the contents therein.

Just like an episode of MTV’s Catfish, I believe many will be left surprised, shocked, confused, betrayed and even angered, just to name a few of the many emotions they may be dealing with come said time.

via JREF Forum http://ift.tt/1sR30fn

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