From the front lines of our government's morally righteous and ultimately winnable War On Drugs:
When a psycho goes on a rampage with a gun, we hear a lot of cries of "not one more!" and calls for increased gun control. But when a SWAT team throws a flash grenade into a toddler's crib in a 3 AM no knock raid, it's business as usual. No need to question either the police tactics or the premise of drug prohibition by any means necessary.
Sometime before 3 a.m. on May 28, a SWAT team consisting of Habersham County sheriff's deputies and Cornelia police officers broke into that room. One of the cops tossed a flash-bang grenade, which creates a blinding light and loud noise that are supposed to disorient the targets of a raid. It landed in Bou Bou's playpen and exploded in his face, causing severe burns and a deep chest wound. The cops were looking for the Phonesavanhs' 30-year-old nephew, Wanis Thonetheva, who a few hours before had allegedly sold methamphetamine to a confidential informant from the same doorway through which the SWAT team entered. They had obtained a "no knock" warrant by claiming Thonetheva was apt to be armed and dangerous. Thonetheva was not there, and police did not find any drugs, cash, or guns either. When they arrested him later that morning at a different location, he had about an ounce of meth but no weapons. |
When a psycho goes on a rampage with a gun, we hear a lot of cries of "not one more!" and calls for increased gun control. But when a SWAT team throws a flash grenade into a toddler's crib in a 3 AM no knock raid, it's business as usual. No need to question either the police tactics or the premise of drug prohibition by any means necessary.
via JREF Forum
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