jeudi 12 juin 2014

Allan Watts and Enlightenment

Allen Watts and Enlightenment

Allen Watts was a genius. His concept of life based on Science and Buddhism, that we are all basically the universe itself and thus immortal…… is as correct and true today as when he talked about it 50 years ago. He viewed the universe as one entity, the only true everlasting entity and everything else we see around us is just a temporary form that the one true entity takes.

The one area I disagree with Watts about is the concept of enlightenment. Where if we realize the truth, that we will feel at peace and discover true happiness.

Watts himself however was proof that this is not possible.

He was an alcoholic, a not so careing parent and basically a depressed person much of his life.

What his life did show is that enlightenment is not possible.

Yes, we are part of the one universal stream of energy called consciousness and yes I believe us to be thus immortal, but we will never find happiness from such knowledge.

For the one energy called the universe, for all practical purposes does not exist as itself, it exists only in the temporary forms it creates.

Thus as Dave Smith or Sarah Jones we exist, and this is truly who we are. We are temporary, but it is truly who we are until the next temporary form after our death. We will always suffer, we will never find everlasting happiness because that is impossible. We will be happy at times, we will cherish life and be glad we were born, but enlightenment will always be an unattainable goal.

Watts taught the rule of opposites. You cannot have light unless you have dark. You cannot have hard unless you also have soft. You cannot have life unless you have death.

Thus to be happy, we need to know sadness. We need to appreciate misery, for without it we cannot know happiness. To be constantly happy or content you must also know the opposite, you can never be in a continually happy or content state. So forget about enlightenment.

So enjoy who you are, expect much of your life to be boring or miserable, for only then can you have excitement and happiness. Expect yourself to be discontent and unfulfilled when you die, Expect you to be scared ******** as a matter of fact. Just try to hold onto the truth, the truth told by a genius like Watts, that what comes after all the suffering is worth it.

I am now bored with explaining reality and will retire for the evening, content with the enlightened knowledge of making things easier and clearer for the little people.

via JREF Forum

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