jeudi 12 juin 2014

A different reaction to the death of a child....

BBC News - Martha Fernback ecstasy death: Mother calls for drugs legalisation

"A woman whose 15-year-old daughter died after taking ecstasy has called for drugs to be legalised and regulated.

Anne-Marie Cockburn urged politicians to change UK drug policy after the inquest into the death of her daughter Martha Fernback.

Oxford schoolgirl Martha suffered a cardiac arrest on 20 July 2013, after swallowing half a gram of 91% pure MDMA powder in the city's Hinksey Park.

"Martha wanted to get high, she didn't want to die," said Ms Cockburn.

Anne-Marie Cockburn has written a book about her daughter called 5,742 days

"No parent wants either, but one of those is preferable to the other," she said after the hearing at Oxfordshire Coroner's Court.

The inquest heard that the average street-level purity of ecstasy is 58%."

The last part seems slightly misleading, and I would bet is actually based on the purity of tablets, but that's in the sense that pure MDMA does not make tablets well, so the use of a filler/binding agent is necessary, as well as to bulk out the size of the relatively small size of an active dose (typically 80 mg). That aside, 500 mg is a massive dose - like sextuple-dropping.

It would be interesting to see if Ms Cockburn gets her meeting with the politicians.

via JREF Forum

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