mardi 6 mai 2014

Writer asks questions about a hypothetical "pro-zoophilia rights" movement

Recently an anti-gay activist has decided he wants to know more about the future America where he envisions zoophillia-rights will actually become a thing. He posed several questions regarding this and I've reproduced them here so I can helpfully provide some answers.


One reader brought a 2012 article to our attention written by Antonio M. Haynes, a Cornell University law student: “’ Dog on Man’: Are Bestiality Laws Justifiable?” Just to be clear, I only read the first four pages so I have no idea what his argument is. It wasn’t easy getting that far — and those four pages are mostly filled with footnotes at the bottom of each page (which I skipped completely). Download it if you dare and see how much of it you can stomach.

"Someone wrote something and I didn't understand it but here are my opinions"

This is off to a good start. :rolleyes:


To our basic and important questions:

How will society respond when zoophiliacs start clamoring for their “rights”?

By trying to ignore them.


How will society respond to After the Ball -type efforts to normalize zoophilia and demonize those who disapprove of it?

This won't happen so the question is meaningless.


How will society respond to a future well-funded marriage “equality” effort for zoophiliacs.

No one but an eccentric billionaire would fund such a campaign. Who wants to be known as the financier of the "pro-animal rape" people?


If someone were to donate to an organization that prohibits hiring of zoophiliacs, will this donor be fired?

In the extremely unlikely situation that they happen to be employed by someone that actually likes zoophillia and is willing to make a public statement about it....yes.


Will the expression of disapproval of zoophilia be deemed bullying or hate speech?

Anything could become hate speech depending on how it is framed and said.


How will schools respond to requests to start pro-zoophilia clubs to support students who experience unwanted zoophilia feelings and who seek to come out of the zoophiliac closet? Will the Day of Silence expand to include zoophiliacs?

No. Schools will not form clubs to promote animal rape.


Will therapies to help minors change their unwanted zoophilia desires be banned?

Possibly. But primarily because therapy to try and change sexual attractions just don't work.


Will “zoophiliac orientation” be added to enumerated anti-discrimination policies and laws?

Only after "bank robber" is added to the list. :rolleyes:


Will the letter Z be added to the LGBTQIA (etc.) abbreviation?

Only by a few random crazy people.


Will we see prime time television programs and movies with lovable zoophilia-oriented characters?

Possibly. Most likely to be played up for laughs.


Will wannabe zoophiliac journalists form professional journalism associations (such as this one) to monitor and exploit the Fourth Estate in the service of breaking down barriers and normalizing zoophilia?

I.....don't even know what this word salad is asking.


Will zoophiliacs join “pride parades”?

Over the dead bodies of those already involved in those parades.


Will loud and proud zoophiliacs “out” those who prefer to remain in the zoophiliac closet?

There will be no "loud and proud zoophiliacs."


Up next we’ll take a look at another example of the ways people experience “intense sexual arousal to atypical objects, situations, or individuals.” If America is to be truly free, shouldn’t all sexcentric-identified individuals be treated equally under the law?

No. Because not all sex acts are consensual.

Darn, that was pretty easy. Did he think those questions would be hard?

via JREF Forum

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