mardi 6 mai 2014

Palcohol (powdered alcohol)

Palcohol is a trade name for so-called powdered alcohol that has generated some controversy here in the US. The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau originally approved the labeling scheme which is a key step in bringing any new alcoholic beverage to market. Two weeks later and facing political pressure, they rescinded the approval stating that it was given in error.


New York Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer wants to be the buzzkill and prevent powdered alcohol from hitting store shelves, warning it could become “the Kool-Aid of teenage binge drinking."

The federal Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, after some confusion, last month decided not to give final approval for “Palcohol,” a product that would be a pocket-sized powder packet coming in several varieties including rum and vodka.

But Schumer wants to make sure the bigger, more powerful Food and Drug Administration permanently keeps the product off the market.

“It’s absurd. It’s scary,” Schumer told WCBS Radio and other news outlets on Sunday in New York. "I'm calling on the Food and Drug Administration to immediately step in, investigate Palcohol based on its obvious health risks and prohibit this ludicrous product from going to market.”

So-called powdered alcohol works by encapsulating the liquid molecularly in cyclodextrins - a starch-like ring of sugars that can absorb up to 60% of its dry weight in alcohol. When the resulting powder is rehydrated, the alcohol is liberated resulting in a sweet and potent base for drinks.

via JREF Forum

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