mercredi 2 octobre 2013

This Guy Has Eaten Nothing but Raw Meat for 5 Years

This guy has eaten nothing but raw meat for five years.


Meet Derek Nance. Five years ago, Derek had some mystery illness that killed his appetite and made him puke up everything he ate. The doctors suspected it was an allergy thing, so Derek changed his diet. First he cut the wheat and dairy, but he still continued losing weight. Getting desperate, he was soon online, chatting to people pushing all manner of lifesaving diets. Derek tried a Mediterranean diet (fish and vegetables) before ditching the fish and eventually becoming a vegan, but nothing worked. Finally, a guy who’d had similar symptoms recommended a carnivorous version of the Paleolithic diet. With nothing to lose, Derek gave raw meat a try. That was five years ago and he now goes so far as to brush his teeth with animal fat. For reasons I don’t properly understand I wanted to watch Derek eat a meal and he obliged. I found him with his girlfriend, Joanne, in Lexington, Kentucky, and we talked about vital organs, rotten meat, and health, which is the main point of this according to Derek. He’s never been healthier.

Wasn't sure if this is the right forum for this, please move it if necessary, and thank you.

This strikes me as interesting. Though there aren't any real details as to what he was diagnosed with which required such a diet, and why he wouldn't puke that up.

His breath must be a force to be wreckoned with as well.

via JREF Forum

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