vendredi 4 octobre 2013

If Political stalemate leads us into a shooting war

If this breaks down into a Left vs Right civil war we know how it will go down thanks to the people over at Free Republic.



The few libs who have not unfriended me on FB are all buzzing about how it is ‘Go Time’ against the Tea Party.”

Bwahahaha like I am getting shivers thinking about the threat a bunch of maggot infested, HIV positive rump rangers coming after me in the Exploding Government Motors Volt to do what? Crap on my lawn? I'd set out a Hookah pipe down the road and take em out coming to it like Sandra Fluke to the day after pill.

Got that? We liberals will lose because we're all a bunch of HIV positive wimps that can be easily tricked by recreational drugs.

I wouldn't be so sure of that. I know at least two former Marines that are even more liberal than I am. And while I don't like guns I was a pretty good shot with a rifle back in my Boy Scouts days. I suspect in such a shooting war us Lefties could put up much more of a fight than those on the right think.

Of course if things ever get to that point....yuck. Let us hope it doesn't happen.

So what do you think the fighting would be like in such a war?

via JREF Forum

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