mardi 1 octobre 2013

Could we cure skin moles if we threw cancer cure-like funding at it?

I`ve spent time contemplating if a true cure for cancer is even possible in any foreseeable time in the future. To me, a true cure would be two-fold. One would be that of an immunization so you wouldnt ever get any form of cancer. The other part would be cancer could be stopped in its tracks, even in stage V, to where there would be good cell regeneration to rebuild any damaged organs caused by cancer.

Well, thinking about this, it dawned on me that we cant even cure the common cold! And......we havent found a foolproof way to prevent or reverse cavities...and, we havent found a cure for hair falling off men`s heads, and stopping hair from falling off their legs, and stopping hair from growing out of your orifices as you age..AND...we havent found a way to get rid of and/or prevent moles! And they are right there on the surface of the skin! Unlike cancer which can be found there, in the blood, lymph system, bones, and in any organ in the body. I HATE moles!! I saw a beautiful girl once who was the cutest thing...her face covered in moles! Ewwwwwww. What a turn off(at least to me).

via JREF Forum

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