mercredi 2 octobre 2013

Anyone familiar with amnesia?

Hello. I was wondering if anyone here had any knowledge or experience with amnesia. A person very near and dear to me recently had a small tumor removed from her brain and has developed a form of amnesia. She says she does not remember me or her family members or even who she is. I’ve only spoken to her over the phone, but she seems very calm about the whole thing. I would think if someone did not remember anything about they’re life, they would be freaking out. Another thing, she recently got a dog. I asked her if she remembered her dog at all. Her response was not “I don’t remember haveing a dog” but rather “I don’t have a dog.”

To me, if someone truly does not remember anything about themselves or their life, how could they remember if they have a dog or not.

Also, last night she called me late at night, way past an appropriate time to call someone you didn’t know. She called me and we spoke, but it’s something we did frequently (speak late at night) before her supposed amnesia.

I hate thinking she might be putting me on about having amnesia, but to me things just aren’t adding up. Am I just being overly skeptical?

via JREF Forum

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