mardi 1 octobre 2013

A prediction, for the hell of it...again

A few years ago when I had a particularly vivid dream that involved a future event I posted it here just to record it somewhere, in case it came true. It was about a forest fire in a national park that never happened.

I had another one last night that involved an upcoming event. In the dream I am driving in my car and hear over the radio that Miss El Salvador has won Miss Universe.

I can't say that I've ever paid particular attention to Miss Universe. So, I don't know why this came up in a dream, but there it is.

After some research I see there is a 1 in 85 chance of coming true, and since a Miss El Salvador has never won before it isn't me remembering hearing about it.

I don't believe in the ability to supernaturally predict the future, this is just "for the hell of it."

via JREF Forum

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