lundi 23 septembre 2013

White supremacists want to take over town

So a white supremacist group is trying to "take over" a Tiny town in North Dakota.

"With a population of just two dozen in a mostly white county, Leith is an attractive destination for members of the U.S. National Socialist Movement, who recently revealed that they are joining plans to turn the disintegrating town into an all-white enclave."

""We have every intention of legally assuming control of the local government," Schoep said in a statement."

In a town that small I suppose if they have enough douche bags on board they can probably get one or more of theirs elected. Other than publicity I'm not sure how that accomplishes a whole lot. If they try to pass or enforce racist regulations they are going to get slapped down pretty quickly.

By packing the town with ass-hats they will probably get what they want in that only other ass-hats will want to live there but if they try to make it an official government thing I would think it would implode under legal action.

via JREF Forum

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