dimanche 4 août 2013

Just when you think the Politically Correct Monster can't get any more ridiculous...

In the latest "truth is stranger than fiction, especially when it concerns today's Land of the Offended" episode: Seattle and NY decide to have a contest for most mind-numbingly idiotic PCness yet! :cheers:

First Seattle came out swinging by forbidding its gov't to use horrible slurs like (gasp) "citizen" or (OMG) "brown bag."

But NY said "that's all you got?" and swung a mighty blow of its own by deciding that their Dept of Education should avoid the following words which "could be offensive:"

dinosaur :eek:

birthday :eye-poppi

halloween :boxedin:

Run awaaaay! The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

PS I apologize to any Chicken Littleists or other Avian Americans who were offended by the above line.

Link: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013...sive-language/

lmao @ the absurdity of how far this has all gone and just keeps picking up steam. I figure in about another 10-15 yrs we won't use words to communicate at all because they are all offensive. sniffle

via JREF Forum http://forums.randi.org/showthread.php?t=263271&goto=newpost

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