mardi 8 juin 2021

New York City Elections

Do we have enough members from New York City to have a thread on the city's June primary elections?,

In my district alone these are the offices that are going to be on the Democratic primary ballot:

Mayor (12 candidates)
Public Advocate ( 3)
Comptroller (10)
District Attorney (8)

This doesn't include the borough presidents (5 in NYC for each of the boroughs), city council elections, and civil court elections.

What may interest those who don't live in NYC is that 5 of the offices will have ranked choice voting for the first time -- up to 5 choices per office. Here's an example of how the board of elections explains ranked voting: Simple Ranked Vote Demo/

Early voting starts on the 12th and the last day of voting is on election day.

It can always be a challenge to decide who to vote for but with ranked voting instead of selecting 5 politicians for 5 offices, one can choose up to 23 politicians for 5 offices (one office only has 3 candidates running vs 5). I'm finding that especially challenging and I admit to only starting to learn about many of the candidates as I've been super busy this year. However, I've never been a fan of the idea of someone running for a significant office with no experience of having held any elected position - so that is making the winnowing process easier for me. But it's a little scary to see how many people in that category are running for mayor...

via International Skeptics Forum

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