mercredi 2 octobre 2019

NASA discovered a black spot on Jupiter 2,200 miles long


NASA discovered a black spot on Jupiter 2,200 miles long
This headline and picture gave me chills when I read it. I was all ready to make comparisons to 2010's (the movie's) climax.

Then I clicked on the article. It says it's the shadow of Jupiter's moon Io being cast on its surface. Like this is the first time it's ever been seen.

Talk about pissing me off.

I clicked on the video box to see how the story is presented. 0.5 seconds into the unskippable ad I clicked it off.

I'm not linking to the story but you can find it on CNN. One thing I'll say for Fox's news site -- it usually has pretty good science and other articles at the bottom of the main page.

Attached Images
File Type: jpg Capturejupiterblackspot.JPG (34.4 KB)

via International Skeptics Forum

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