dimanche 7 avril 2019

Electricity in Ancient Egypt

I should preface by saying I have an English B.A. with a concentration in creative writing. I titled the thread in order to permit a wide-ranging discussion including author Chris Dunn and others. However, this original post should steer us toward focus on one theory put forward last year by a Ph.D.

We're not talking about the controversial "light bulb" relief in Dendera (explained here). This subject will be ignored, as will talk of ancient aliens.

Yet, electricity was discovered thousands of years ago. Piezoelectricity, that is (rediscovered in 1880 [Wikipedia, Piezoelectricity] -- Define discover, right?) The dark age that ensued after 1177/1186 B.C. (depending on timelines) wiped out any memory of such advancement, I imagine [Haven't read the book or listened to the whole lecture.].

Mechanical stress on certain materials like granite, up to 60% quartz crystal by volume [Wikipedia, Granite], generates electricity which ionizes the air and creates a glowing light.

See image, "Granite glow under high pressure," source article "Lighting up Saqqara: An Electrifying Alternative Theory for the Oversized Serapeum Sarcophagi" ...its academic source named in the next paragraph.

At least 2 locations in Egypt used piezoelectricity, including the Great Pyramid. Let's start with the short paper/article published in 2018 by Ph.D. Konstantin Borisov, which concentrates on Saqqara: "The Serapeum of Saqqara. Alternative theory for the granite sarcophagus." [PDF download after registering on academia.edu, or read it almost word-for-word on the Ancient Origins website.]


Biography: Konstantin Borisov received his M.S degree from the University of Nevada, Reno and Ph.D.
degree from the Mississippi State University all in electrical engineering. He worked as a scientist in
Research Institute of Dielectric Materials and Semiconductors in Tomsk, Russia. He also worked at the
Center of Advanced Vehicular System (CAVS), Mississippi State Research Park. In the past 11 years he
worked as Sr. Staff Engineer/Sr. Project Manager at Johnson Controls, involved in design and development
of high energy systems for heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC). Konstantin Borisov has 7 US
patents and 15 publications.
"kborissov" also put his theory on Graham Hancock's forum:

Notice one of his sources is: Chris Dunn “Lost technologies of Ancient Egypt: Advanced Engineering in the temples of the pharaohs” ISNB-10: 1591431026, June 24, 2010. He is author of "The Giza Power Plant: Technologies of Ancient Egypt," 1998, which has the granite of the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid performing in a similar manner.

Today we can see lights in the sky caused by this effect when earthquakes occur, as hundreds of tons of granite shift below the surface. [Wikipedia, Earthquake light] Quoting Borisov:


In summary I think the giant coffers of the Serapeum were used to generate electric charges with the pressure built inside by the CO2 gas. The pressure put on the quartz crystals created electric charges on the surface of the coffers. Those charges were dispersed from the underground toward the ground surface [18]. The released charges would ionize the air above Saqqara causing air to glow.
See a video where the theory is narrated on the channel Ancient Architects on YouTube.

The Saqqara boxes, about 24 of them, each weigh about 100 tons, including the 30-ton lids apparently hermetically sealed and massively designed to contain the highly pressurized gas. If that was not the purpose of such massive boxes made from such hard material, then what was? Was it only religious? ... burying the revered Apis bull that took up a fraction of the area inside the box? (See image, ancient-origins.net) Perhaps part of the reason the bull was worshipped was because it was the primary ingredient in the underground granite boxes... which created light in the sky.

via International Skeptics Forum http://bit.ly/2I6wR4A

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