Posted By:Loss leader
Trump appears to be firing anyone who will not not break the law for him, and will keep doing so until he is surrounded with people who will break any law he tells them to.
In the case of his tax returns, he is outright defying the Law. USC§ 6103 is clear, and unequivocal...
Upon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, the chairman of the Committee on Finance of the Senate, or the chairman of the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Secretary shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request.
Its says "shall" not "may" or "can", but "shall". That is an order, not a request, and the Secretary is not allowed under the Law to disobey it. If he does, he is breaking Federal law.
This looks very much like a power grab to me; Trump is stealing power away from the Legislative branch and installing himself as the sole national authority, with a court system stacked in his favour. He is defeating oversight of what he does. This is the sort of thing that all those militias in the south have been saying about the tyranny of government, but they are actually part of his base, and they are enabling him in this power grab.
I think Trump is testing the limits of what he can get away with, and he is only just getting started. If there is no response (and I mean a real response, not just more talk, talk, talk) to his attempts to suspend the Rule of Law, it will embolden him to take even more outrageous measures.
How hard would it be for Trump to declare that he no longer trusts the Secret Service (using the Chinese woman at Mar-a-lago as a premise) and to decide to set up his own personal private security police?
He's already called liberal media the enemies of the people. How hard would it be for him to have journalists arrested or even murdered (he's already turned a blind eye to the murder of one by a business colleague)
How hard would it be for him to have radio & television channels shut down; newspapers prevented from publishing.
Look back at what America was like before the 2016 elections. Who predicted that it would be like it is now, with a POTUS who
1. Routinely lies dozens of times a day
2. Routinely breaks the law
3. Encourages his heads of department to break the law and offers them pardons if they are convicted.
4. Attacks federal judges
5. Publicly directs personal, denigrating insults towards members of Congress
6. Endorses a policy of tearing children away from their parents
7. Routinely obstructs attempt to investigate him
Really, how much of a stretch would be for Trump to suspend the 2020 Federal elections? Who would do anything about it if he tried? He has another 18 months to soften you all up to an attempt to do this by doing the next outrageous thing that pops into his head, and if you don't stop him, the next even more outrageous thing, and then the next, and then then next.
Ask yourself if you think any of the things that have happened in politics in the last two years would have happened, and what America would look and feel like now, under President Hilary Clinton.
Wake up Americans! The Democracy you love so dearly is in mortal danger!
via International Skeptics Forum
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