mercredi 17 avril 2019

John Ford and “Mandalay”

Back in October of ‘79, I was subscribing to Asimov’s science fiction magazine. That issue had a story by John Ford called “Mandalay”, about a group of survivors of the collapse of a reality-bending commercial venture called “Alternities, Inc.”.

Basically they arranged to take you to any of a variety of “alternate universes” to live out your fantasies.... I had a flash recently and wanted to re-read the story.

Ford had died in 2006 of a fast-moving cancer.... And his one collection of short stories was no longer in print. Could not find the story anywhere on the ‘net.

So I started looking for the back issue. Tried 3 times on Amazon... First guy sent me the wrong issue, second guy just cancelled my order, but 3rd time was the charm.

Story held up well, and I had quite forgotten the twist ending!

I think Ford had managed a couple more stories in this setting, but the collection is apparently hard to get.

via International Skeptics Forum

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