mercredi 6 mars 2019

Can the human race survive Artificial General Intelligence?

There are many who say that the time is coming soon when we will build machines with a general intelligence which is greater than ours.

I don't expect that such machines will become malevolent and send killer robots after us.

But I also don't expect something more intelligent than us to waste any time helping us with our problems or to care much about our survival. And for the first time in history we would be sharing the planet and competing for resources with something more intelligent than us.

Think of a IT professional who goes into a company and finds that their financial system runs on a BBC computer and is written in BASIC. Would they try to improve the system, or shut it off and start again from scratch.

When modern automative professionals went into the factories where the built the Trabi, did they say "OK, lets make he Trabi better"? No, they decided to build proper cars.

Now look at the human race, a barely rational, bellicose species. The majority of humans base the most important decisions of their lives on implausible fairy stories about supernatural beings. We get into ruinous conflicts over matters that it is difficult to explain afterwards.

If we build machines that were actually more intelligent than us, what use would they have for us? Wouldn't they disregard us and outcompete us for resources?

Some say that it would be the start of a grand new creative partnership. But what, exactly, would we bring to the partnership?

Others say that we can program the artificial intelligent machines in a way that looking after us would be important to them, something they feel impelled to do. I have my doubts. If we programmed them and they are more intelligent than us, then wouldn't they realise how and why they had been programmed thus and be able to change the programming?

A few have even suggested that a machine more intelligent than us would understand objective moral values and that it would be wrong for them not to help us out. I have my doubts.

I have heard some say that we must plan carefully for the possibility of an AGI greater than ours. But can we really second guess an intelligence greater than ours?

Personally I don't think machines will have greater general intelligence than humans in my lifetime or even my kids lifetime, but then again, what do I know?

What do you think?

via International Skeptics Forum

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