jeudi 28 février 2019

So... mass, eh?

So I'm still struggling with GR, which probably comes as no surprise to anyone who's noticed it being a case of me being too lazy to learn it properly. So, I have couple of questions for the smarter people around.

1. Relativistic mass. Which now some tell me doesn't even really exist, which really confuzzles me. Well, that's SR actually, but I'm curious which mass goes into GR to deform space. Is it that the rest mass, or the one with the gamma?

2. The kugelblitz black hole, or rather how does the above work with one. One thing I do remember is that photons don't have rest mass, which is why they can go at c. So, wouldn't one need the relativistic mass for gravity for the kugelblitz to turn into a black hole?

3. Gravitons. Obviously they can't have rest mass, since they go at c too, but do they carry energy? Which I suppose boils down to: do they have momentum? If they do have energy, does it warp space too?

via International Skeptics Forum

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