Originally Posted by Fast Eddie B (Post 12598858)
A gross display of willful ignorance.
Someone here may have pointed me to it, but this New York Times article and graphic tell a convincing story of over 100 contacts with Russians during the Trump campaign. To anyone with eyes to see. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/...wikileaks.html https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7886/...b250514f_c.jpg On the site, it’s an interactive chart where you can click on each contact or denial to see specifics. Trump must be counting on plausible deniability. But the big question is whether it’s plausible that he knew nothing of any of this Russian involvement. Seems like a mountain of at least circumstancial evidence that he knew. We’ll see what Mueller has soon enough. |
Posted By:zooterkin
via International Skeptics Forum http://bit.ly/2SAFavl
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