mercredi 5 décembre 2018

New Theory Unifies Dark Matter & Dark Energy

From The Conversation:

Bizarre ‘dark fluid’ with negative mass could dominate the universe – what my research suggests


A unifying theory of dark energy and dark matter: Negative masses and matter creation within a modified ΛCDM framework

A new extended version of LambdaCDM unifies DM and DE into a Dark Fluid with negative gravity.
It's effect on the universe is apparently exactly like the cosmological constant and DE, driving expansion. According to computer simulations this negative matter forms halos around galaxies and explains the rotation curves.
The only weird thing is the addition of a creation tensor so the fluid does not get diluted as the universe expands.
It predicts a cyclic universe with a time-variable Hubble parameter as well as several other testable predictions.
Very speculative, but it does explain the observed distribution of dark matter in galaxies from first principles.

via International Skeptics Forum

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