Posted By:Loss Leader
Gday all,
Originally Posted by Chanakya (Post 11908111)
Total comic-book scenario, isn’t it? The arch-villain, all dressed up in a weird dress, lording it over in his toy country, offering refuge to all kinds of scum, and wheeling-dealing away all around the globe. While brainwashed
Simply begging for septugenarian “expendable” mercenaries to go pay him a visit! (Strictly within the pages of the comic book!) |
Readers may be aware of a huge stash of looted gold left behind by the Japanese in the Philippines after WWII, often called Yamashita's Gold because hero general Yamashita was in charge of hiding it.
This gold fell into the hands of the US under an infamous American Major Ed Lansdale and a mysterious character called Santa Romana, (and funded much skullduggery under Truman and Allen Dulles etc., often called the Black Eagle Trust.)
This is all told in a recent book by the Seagraves "Gold Warriors" :
There is many an eye-opener in this book, especially if it's new to you.
But the big reveal was this - Santa Romana was (alledgedly) a Vatican agent.
(Added: according to "Authoritative sources in Spain with strong ties to the Philippines".)
Also -
the world total amount of gold is hugely under-stated. It is currently given as about 0.185 megatonnes (some give an older 160 kT figure, or even less.) But that turns out to only cover gold production in the West for the past couple of centuries, but does not include Asia or historical gold at all.
Impossible to know for sure, but the real figure could be 2-5 MT, maybe even as much as 10 megatonnes.
There's an Aussie connection too -
Much gold did make it back to Japan before they lost the sea lanes, and some of it was sunk in Japanese harbours for 'ron. Apparently the Aussie boat Torres Tide was involved in such recovery in recent years - they provide a photo of it on their CD. I haven't seen it.
via International Skeptics Forum
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