About me:
I have an English B.A. My stepdaughter is Muslim, yet stopped wearing the hijab at 16 and moved in with me and my Oregonian wife. (My wife's ex is Muslim, now married to his first cousin which I hear is common.) My daughter is Christian, thanks mostly to my ex's parents. I am agnostic, with a history of Christian upbringing. I frequent the 9/11 Conspiracy forum (not to flog truthers but to walk the gamut) and own the domain www.911conspiracy.tv (because in 2007 my wife's ex gave me a copy of Loose Change!). My latest video on YouTube is "9/11 Terrorist a Pedophile?" ... which summarizes the subject of this post in less than 10 minutes (although this post won't mention 9/11). This should help you decide I am not Islamophobic. I live in Oregon, so no regional conflicts give me a motive for hate. Also, my brother is gay, so scratch out homophobic too.
Does Islam Create Homosexual Pedophiles?
Pedophilia (which includes both the sexual urges and acting upon them) is listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (the clinician's diagnostic bible), detailed on this webpage. It therefore should not be accepted to any degree in any culture, as modern medicine and international law agree.
- Wikipedia, "Laws regarding child sexual abuse"
While the U.S. hasn't ratified the Convention, U.S. law is plain. Any fan of "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" can tell you that child sex abuse not only creates mentally scarred victims but also starts a cycle of abuse where the abused becomes the abuser as he re-enacts his abuse to make sense of it. This certainly plays some small part in the Islamic phenomenon of homosexual pedophilia.
It is common knowledge that in northern Afghanistan, an Islamic nation, men often have sex with young boys and adolescents in a practice named Bacha Bazi, or boy play. The 2010 documentary "The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan" aired on PBS in the U.S., getting one Afghani man arrested and setting another on the run.... Related documentaries include "This Is What Winning Looks Like" by Ben Anderson/VICE 2013 and "'They prefer boys in Afghanistan': Dancing bachas recruited for sex" (RT, 2016). Below find a few quotes from these priceless sources. I will argue that the "ancient tradition" of Bacha Bazi ("The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan") -- and an unnamed behind-the-scenes homosexual pedophilia (and hebephilia/early adolescent) in multiple Muslim countries -- is a direct result of Islamic law which segregates the sexes, removing women from men's reach.
Sodomy is punishable by death in seven countries -- Iran, Mauritania, Nigeria (in the 12 states practicing Sharia law), Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Yemen. Sometimes vigilantes do the murder. Seems to me Islam can't kill them as fast as it creates them.
See "The Kingdom in the Closet" by Nadya Labi, The Atlantic, May 2007, which tells us that in "February a man in the Mecca region was executed for having sex with a boy, among other crimes."
Believe it or not, Saudi Arabia has a large gay culture. Actually, most men don't identify as gay. In fact, much of Islamic culture has no word for homosexuality (coined in the 1890s) because there is no such thing as heterosexual either. (Sexuality and Eroticism Among Males in Moslem Societies by Arno Schmitt, Jehoeda Sofer, John P. De Cecco, Haworth Press, 1992, p. 5.) The men only perform the sex acts because they have no access to women. Nadya Labi of The Atlantic wrote:
If asked who built the prison, you could rightly answer, "Islam."
From The Atlantic again: "'Some Saudi [men] cant have sex with women, so they have sex with guys. When the sexes are so strictly segregated'men are allowed little contact with women outside their families, in order to protect womens purity'how do they have a chance to have sex with a woman and not get into trouble?'"
For this same reason men recruit boys for sex.
- Sexuality and Eroticism Among Males in Moslem Societies by Arno Schmitt, Jehoeda Sofer, John P. De Cecco, Haworth Press, 1992, p. 36 (quoted in the Wikipedia article LGBT in Islam).
See also an Amazon preview of the book, where we find on page 3 under the heading "Psychology":
Again on page 6 under the heading "Sociology of Cultural Interaction": "I repeat: the most normal thing is f*cking boys. For the man, the buggerer, it is perfectly normal, if he is married and a father." (emphasis added) Islamic regions named in earlier pages under the heading "Pederasty" (sodomy with boys) are "North Africans and Southwest Asians."

- Islam world map from Wikipedia
To help us understand why this might happen, RT reports: "Tradition has made Afghan women almost invisible. It's as though they just don't exist. Perhaps it's that absence of women that explains why male sexuality is now often focused on boys." ["'They prefer boys in Afghanistan': Dancing bachas recruited for sex" (RT, 2016)]
"The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan" points out that Bacha Bazi exists in "a society where access to women is severely restricted, but where young boys are easily accessible." Because it is wrong for a woman to dance in public... boys are put in dresses -- sometimes with artificial breasts -- with bells on their wrists and taught to dance, often seductively. Some of the Afghan men interviewed readily admit they have had sex with the boys. Sometimes money changes hands between pedophile and pimp -- after a bidding war during/following the bacha dance to see who gets to take the boy home. See military contractor DynCorp being implicated in spending money for dancing boys:
Worst of all these boys have been murdered for trying to escape. (See Ben Anderson's "This Is What Winning Looks Like" here) The film took place at Sangin, Afghanistan. Boys were sex slaves, raped by the Afghan police commanders. One Afghan commander claimed "[the boys] like being there and giving their asses at night." This must be why one boy was shot in the leg at point blank range for trying to escape. No dancing was involved at the patrol base, of course. And there was nothing the U.S. could do apparently, except leave law enforcement up to the local... police.
The New York Times published an article in Sept. 2015, "U.S. Soldiers Told to Ignore Sexual Abuse of Boys by Afghan Allies." The article leads with a photo of "Dan Quinn [who] was relieved of his Special Forces command after a fight with a U.S.-backed militia leader who had a boy as a sex slave chained to his bed." The article notes "pederasty is rife," linking to a Feb. 2002 article on the same subject.
The 2015 article sparked an investigation. The Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction 2017 report says the Leahy law (restricting funding of human rights violators) didn't prevent DOD from funding the implicated Afghan child rapists. (p. 2) The incidents under investigation were so few it was ridiculous. "Child Sexual Assault in Afghanistan: Implementation of the Leahy Laws and Reports of Assault by Afghan Security Forces" was the report title/subtitle, but the law did nothing and the assaults were not condemned. There seems to be a policy of silence on the issue, as well as inaction.
The SIGAR report provides a crucial, recurring quote (similar enough), from the Navys "Operational Cultural Awareness Training-Islamic Republic of Afghanistan":
If I'm to understand the source article at http://www.iranicaonline.org/articles/homosexuality-ii -- Iran also has a history of pedophilia/hebephilia.
"At the same time, many miniatures, especially from Ottoman Turkey, contain explicit depictions of pederasty, suggesting that the practice enjoyed a certain degree of popularity. A number of pre-modern texts discuss the possibility of sexual exploitation faced by young boys in educational institutions and warn teachers to take precautions against it." [Leaman, Oliver (2009). "Homosexuality". In John L. Esposito. The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World. Oxford: Oxford University Press.] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_in_Islam
Bacha Bazi has been seen in Pakistan also. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2QBIQ-erYA -- More boys killed.
Abu-Nuwas al-Hasan ben Hani Al-Hakami (756814), best known simply as Abū-Nuwās, was a classical Arabic poet who also composed in Persian on occasion. He was particularly noted for his celebrations in verse of wine and boys. Link.) More of his homoerotic poems collected here.
This tradition of mental illness is the result of wrongheaded customs enforced by religious law. The solution is to integrate the sexes. Since Islam won't change, it must be discarded.
Other Possible Causes for Pedophilia in Islamic Nations?
"Causes" of pedophilia in general (Wikipedia): low IQ, brain physiology, and a history of abuse. Not to say all Muslims have low IQs, I point to one study which concluded "Muslims have highest levels of schooling where they are a religious minority." (Pew Research Center)
I found this at Wikipedia under "Muslim world," which was quoting a PEW Research Center PDF "Religion and Education around the World."
One argument against Islamic law directly causing men to lust for boys blames the history of such on Greek influence from Alexander the Great (Kandahar Afghanistan is named after him) around 334 BC. Can Greek influence from 2,352 years ago be considered as influential on today's sexual practices? We look at the Wikipedia page for "Pederasty in ancient Greece" to learn of a less abusive love for boys... but still pedophilia by today's standards. This ancient history may have justified the beginnings of the "ancient tradition" of Bacha Bazi somehow, but this can only be a partial, secondary cause for the current behavior (and suppressed urges also defined as pedophilia) of a large number of Muslim men. Muhammad's death was in 632. He is no doubt more influential than ancient Greece. Partial responsibility of course means sharing guilt. Likewise, Schmitt and Sofer tell us under the heading "Anthropo-Geography" -- "It is no coincidence that the core area of Islam covers the empire of Alexander the Great (plus Northwest Africa) or the southern Imperium Romanum plus Iran." Then, "The so-called Arabs just kept much of the Hellenistic behavior and beliefs of their Aramaic-, Coptic-, or Greek-speaking parents." (p. 1)
Arabs can take refuge in there being an ancient influence predating Islam. Their culture isn't the only one involved in so much pederasty [this past 2,400 years]. Because it is a different culture.
- Schmitt and Sofer, p. 5
Islam is not for everyone. One Afghan man in the RT documentary said, "This nation is an Islamic country. That is why it is very bad for girls." I have to ask now, "Is it good for boys?"
I have an English B.A. My stepdaughter is Muslim, yet stopped wearing the hijab at 16 and moved in with me and my Oregonian wife. (My wife's ex is Muslim, now married to his first cousin which I hear is common.) My daughter is Christian, thanks mostly to my ex's parents. I am agnostic, with a history of Christian upbringing. I frequent the 9/11 Conspiracy forum (not to flog truthers but to walk the gamut) and own the domain www.911conspiracy.tv (because in 2007 my wife's ex gave me a copy of Loose Change!). My latest video on YouTube is "9/11 Terrorist a Pedophile?" ... which summarizes the subject of this post in less than 10 minutes (although this post won't mention 9/11). This should help you decide I am not Islamophobic. I live in Oregon, so no regional conflicts give me a motive for hate. Also, my brother is gay, so scratch out homophobic too.
Does Islam Create Homosexual Pedophiles?
Pedophilia (which includes both the sexual urges and acting upon them) is listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (the clinician's diagnostic bible), detailed on this webpage. It therefore should not be accepted to any degree in any culture, as modern medicine and international law agree.
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) is an international treaty that legally obligates nations to protect children's rights. Articles 34 and 35 of the CRC require states to protect children from all forms of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse. This includes outlawing the coercion of a child to perform sexual activity, the prostitution of children, and the exploitation of children in creating pornography. States are also required to prevent the abduction, sale, or trafficking of children. [www.unhchr.ch. Retrieved 18 April 2018.] As of December 2014, 195 countries have ratified the Convention, including every member of the United Nations except the United States and South Sudan. [United Nations Treaty Collection. Convention on the Rights of the Child Archived 2014-02-11 at the Wayback Machine.. Retrieved 21 May 2009.]["Weekly Press Conference on the Progress of the Government". Dayniile. 28 December 2014. Retrieved 28 December 2014.] |
While the U.S. hasn't ratified the Convention, U.S. law is plain. Any fan of "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" can tell you that child sex abuse not only creates mentally scarred victims but also starts a cycle of abuse where the abused becomes the abuser as he re-enacts his abuse to make sense of it. This certainly plays some small part in the Islamic phenomenon of homosexual pedophilia.
It is common knowledge that in northern Afghanistan, an Islamic nation, men often have sex with young boys and adolescents in a practice named Bacha Bazi, or boy play. The 2010 documentary "The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan" aired on PBS in the U.S., getting one Afghani man arrested and setting another on the run.... Related documentaries include "This Is What Winning Looks Like" by Ben Anderson/VICE 2013 and "'They prefer boys in Afghanistan': Dancing bachas recruited for sex" (RT, 2016). Below find a few quotes from these priceless sources. I will argue that the "ancient tradition" of Bacha Bazi ("The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan") -- and an unnamed behind-the-scenes homosexual pedophilia (and hebephilia/early adolescent) in multiple Muslim countries -- is a direct result of Islamic law which segregates the sexes, removing women from men's reach.
Sodomy is punishable by death in seven countries -- Iran, Mauritania, Nigeria (in the 12 states practicing Sharia law), Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Yemen. Sometimes vigilantes do the murder. Seems to me Islam can't kill them as fast as it creates them.
See "The Kingdom in the Closet" by Nadya Labi, The Atlantic, May 2007, which tells us that in "February a man in the Mecca region was executed for having sex with a boy, among other crimes."
Believe it or not, Saudi Arabia has a large gay culture. Actually, most men don't identify as gay. In fact, much of Islamic culture has no word for homosexuality (coined in the 1890s) because there is no such thing as heterosexual either. (Sexuality and Eroticism Among Males in Moslem Societies by Arno Schmitt, Jehoeda Sofer, John P. De Cecco, Haworth Press, 1992, p. 5.) The men only perform the sex acts because they have no access to women. Nadya Labi of The Atlantic wrote:
'Theyre not really homosexual,' she said. 'Theyre like cell mates in prison.' This analogy came up again and again during my conversations. |
If asked who built the prison, you could rightly answer, "Islam."
From The Atlantic again: "'Some Saudi [men] cant have sex with women, so they have sex with guys. When the sexes are so strictly segregated'men are allowed little contact with women outside their families, in order to protect womens purity'how do they have a chance to have sex with a woman and not get into trouble?'"
For this same reason men recruit boys for sex.
In modern times, despite the formal disapproval of religious authority, the segregation of women in Muslim societies and the strong emphasis on male virility leads adolescent males and unmarried young men to seek sexual outlets with boys younger than themselvesin one study in Morocco, with boys in the age-range 7 to 13. |
See also an Amazon preview of the book, where we find on page 3 under the heading "Psychology":
The first boy is of tantamount importance to his mother. His mere existence changes her value in the eyes of society, he gets most love and attention and there is nobody above him but his father. The situation of the younger boys can be quite different. So it is not surprising that I never met a fist-born youth willing to take the submissive position of being penetrated, whereas many younger brothers viewed it as inevitable. |
Again on page 6 under the heading "Sociology of Cultural Interaction": "I repeat: the most normal thing is f*cking boys. For the man, the buggerer, it is perfectly normal, if he is married and a father." (emphasis added) Islamic regions named in earlier pages under the heading "Pederasty" (sodomy with boys) are "North Africans and Southwest Asians."

- Islam world map from Wikipedia
To help us understand why this might happen, RT reports: "Tradition has made Afghan women almost invisible. It's as though they just don't exist. Perhaps it's that absence of women that explains why male sexuality is now often focused on boys." ["'They prefer boys in Afghanistan': Dancing bachas recruited for sex" (RT, 2016)]
"The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan" points out that Bacha Bazi exists in "a society where access to women is severely restricted, but where young boys are easily accessible." Because it is wrong for a woman to dance in public... boys are put in dresses -- sometimes with artificial breasts -- with bells on their wrists and taught to dance, often seductively. Some of the Afghan men interviewed readily admit they have had sex with the boys. Sometimes money changes hands between pedophile and pimp -- after a bidding war during/following the bacha dance to see who gets to take the boy home. See military contractor DynCorp being implicated in spending money for dancing boys:
Worst of all these boys have been murdered for trying to escape. (See Ben Anderson's "This Is What Winning Looks Like" here) The film took place at Sangin, Afghanistan. Boys were sex slaves, raped by the Afghan police commanders. One Afghan commander claimed "[the boys] like being there and giving their asses at night." This must be why one boy was shot in the leg at point blank range for trying to escape. No dancing was involved at the patrol base, of course. And there was nothing the U.S. could do apparently, except leave law enforcement up to the local... police.
The New York Times published an article in Sept. 2015, "U.S. Soldiers Told to Ignore Sexual Abuse of Boys by Afghan Allies." The article leads with a photo of "Dan Quinn [who] was relieved of his Special Forces command after a fight with a U.S.-backed militia leader who had a boy as a sex slave chained to his bed." The article notes "pederasty is rife," linking to a Feb. 2002 article on the same subject.
The 2015 article sparked an investigation. The Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction 2017 report says the Leahy law (restricting funding of human rights violators) didn't prevent DOD from funding the implicated Afghan child rapists. (p. 2) The incidents under investigation were so few it was ridiculous. "Child Sexual Assault in Afghanistan: Implementation of the Leahy Laws and Reports of Assault by Afghan Security Forces" was the report title/subtitle, but the law did nothing and the assaults were not condemned. There seems to be a policy of silence on the issue, as well as inaction.
The SIGAR report provides a crucial, recurring quote (similar enough), from the Navys "Operational Cultural Awareness Training-Islamic Republic of Afghanistan":
Under Islam, homosexuality is strictly forbidden and under tribal customs, being a homosexual is punishable by death. However, even though it is not openly acknowledged or accepted, homosexuality does exist in Afghanistan. Because even casual interaction with women is taboo, it is not uncommon for men to participate in sex acts with young men and boys. By Western standards, this is regarded as both homosexuality and pedophilia. This is not the case in Afghanistan. Individual or isolated sex acts or sexual behaviors do not necessarily define ones sexual orientation. There are even cases of men having sexual relations with young men and boys in public. |
If I'm to understand the source article at http://www.iranicaonline.org/articles/homosexuality-ii -- Iran also has a history of pedophilia/hebephilia.
But the homosexuality expressed in classical Islamic texts, whether in poetry or in prose, in Arabic or Persian or other languages, was of a very particular kind, on the whole quite comparable to what is known from the eastern Mediterranean world in antiquity but quite different from modern Western conceptions. It was assumed that many, or indeed most, mature men would be sexually attracted to adolescent boys, in a way strictly parallel toand compatible withtheir attraction to women. Like women, such boys have hairless bodies and soft skin, and like them they are subordinate members of society, that is, subordinate to mature men. Inevitably, mens tastes differ, some being interested only in women, some only in boys, but most in both. There is little difference in the love poetry about either, and as often as notin Arabic and all the more in genderless Persianit is impossible to determine the sex of the beloved being addressed or described. Often this is betrayed only by a sex-specific detaila womans swelling breasts, or a boys downy first beard. The emergence of the beard was in fact a crucial aspect of male homoeroticism in these societies; seen as a mark of beauty at its first appearance (the ideal male beloved was about fourteen), as it became full it marked the end of the boysnow the manssexual desirability. ... To the extent that mens power-differentiated love affairs with boys (like those with women) were assumed to be expressed by sexual activity, it was considered obvious that the man took the active role in (anal) intercourse, the boy being submissively passive and (in most cases, although this was a very ambiguous area) not submitting for the sake of sexual pleasure. However, once a young male reached adulthood, he was expected to become sexually active (with women and/or boys). While it was recognized that there were mature men who sought out the passive role in homosexual intercourse, they were viewed as both sick and contemptible; and indeed to accuse a mature man of such proclivities was both one of the strongest and one of the most common forms of insult. |
Bacha Bazi has been seen in Pakistan also. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2QBIQ-erYA -- More boys killed.
Abu-Nuwas al-Hasan ben Hani Al-Hakami (756814), best known simply as Abū-Nuwās, was a classical Arabic poet who also composed in Persian on occasion. He was particularly noted for his celebrations in verse of wine and boys. Link.) More of his homoerotic poems collected here.
"A Boy Is Worth More Than a Girl" For young boys, the girls I've left behind And for old wine set clear water out of mind. ... |
"Credo" Lay in supplies, O tribe that loves boys, Of a pleasure that will not be found In Paradise, For all its vaunted joys. |
Other Possible Causes for Pedophilia in Islamic Nations?
"Causes" of pedophilia in general (Wikipedia): low IQ, brain physiology, and a history of abuse. Not to say all Muslims have low IQs, I point to one study which concluded "Muslims have highest levels of schooling where they are a religious minority." (Pew Research Center)
A 2016 Pew Research Center study about religion and education around the world found that Muslims have the lowest average levels of education after Hindus, with an average of 5.6 years of schooling.[133] About 36% of all Muslims have no formal schooling,[133] Muslims have also the lowest average levels of higher education of any major religious group, with only 8% having graduate and post-graduate degrees.[133] |
One argument against Islamic law directly causing men to lust for boys blames the history of such on Greek influence from Alexander the Great (Kandahar Afghanistan is named after him) around 334 BC. Can Greek influence from 2,352 years ago be considered as influential on today's sexual practices? We look at the Wikipedia page for "Pederasty in ancient Greece" to learn of a less abusive love for boys... but still pedophilia by today's standards. This ancient history may have justified the beginnings of the "ancient tradition" of Bacha Bazi somehow, but this can only be a partial, secondary cause for the current behavior (and suppressed urges also defined as pedophilia) of a large number of Muslim men. Muhammad's death was in 632. He is no doubt more influential than ancient Greece. Partial responsibility of course means sharing guilt. Likewise, Schmitt and Sofer tell us under the heading "Anthropo-Geography" -- "It is no coincidence that the core area of Islam covers the empire of Alexander the Great (plus Northwest Africa) or the southern Imperium Romanum plus Iran." Then, "The so-called Arabs just kept much of the Hellenistic behavior and beliefs of their Aramaic-, Coptic-, or Greek-speaking parents." (p. 1)
Arabs can take refuge in there being an ancient influence predating Islam. Their culture isn't the only one involved in so much pederasty [this past 2,400 years]. Because it is a different culture.
For North Africans and Southwest Asians it is self-evident that men like to penetrate all kinds of beings. It is understandable that some men prefer boys to women. [...] The Hanbalite jurisconsult Ibn al-Gauzi (died 597/1200) wrote: 'He who claims that he experiences no desire [when looking at beautiful boys or youth] is a liar, and if we could believe him, he would be an animal, not a human being.' But desiring is not doing. And many a devout Muslim will have resisted and taken comfort in the Prophet's saying 'Who passionately loves and remains chaste, is a martyr'... |
Islam is not for everyone. One Afghan man in the RT documentary said, "This nation is an Islamic country. That is why it is very bad for girls." I have to ask now, "Is it good for boys?"
via International Skeptics Forum http://bit.ly/2EVuj73
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