dimanche 2 septembre 2018

Mr. Santilli Goes to Court

Well, OK, I'm jumping the gun a bit, like about a month.

Ruggero Santilli, he of the (in)famous IsoShift and Anti-Matter Telescope, was roundly mocked about two years ago by blogger Pepjin van Erp, in the classic blog, The Continuing Stupidity of Ruggero Santilli. As any seeker after truth would do when faced by ridicule, Santilli sued van Erp in Federal Court. He also, for little apparent (rational) reason, sued Frank Israel, the head of the Dutch skeptic organization to which van Erp belongs.

You can see many of the court documents at the link at http://www.galileoprincipia.org/Laws...in-van-Erp.php although they have not been updated in several months.

Actually, the inclusion of Israel is not (quite) entirely irrational, given Santilli's claims. His central thesis is that there exists an International Jewish Physics Conspiracy devoted to suppressing any disagreement with Einstein's physics. In fact, he claims that he and his family were threatened by Mossad in the 80's if he did not cease his research. Since Frank Israel is obviously Jewish, he must be involved. Santilli also claims a conspiracy by Wikipedia editors Arthur Rubin, David Epstein and Frank Bernstein to cause the blog to be linked to any Santilli search, and to prevent any of Santilli's many awards from being included in the Wiki article on him. Keep those names in mind.

The Galiileo-principia site is itself entertaining, being devoted to "discussion" of Santilli's theories. Of course, "discussion" quite firmly disallows disagreement or even criticism of Santilli's ideas. For fun, start with Post 41, where I updated some information. In short order, I was "identified" as, variously, Pepjin van Erp, David Epstein, and Frank Israel. The last identification, by an "investigative Agency" (and the capital A means it must be true) for the International Committee on Scientific Ethics and Accountability (scientificethics.org) meant that I am no longer allowed to post on the site, and a number of previous posts were deleted. Post 59 is rather eye-opening if it can be believed, as it suggests that the ICSEA is neither ethical nor accountable. Of course, anonymous denunciation seems to be the normal modus vivendi for Santilli supporters.

At any rate, trial is scheduled for October. Frank Israel has convinced the court that he is not liable and has been dropped from the suit. So it will be Santilli and van Erp, mano a mano, or at least lawyer a lawyer.

via International Skeptics Forum https://ift.tt/2NBPjRQ

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