mercredi 26 septembre 2018

Rev.American Political Poll Furriners Keep Out or We'll Put Sanctions on Your Country

In an effort to correct a really (no, really really) poor poll created by another member, we're going to repeat an exercise we've done before.

1. Furriners are welcome. I just put that in the headline to get some attention (which you all know I crave).

2. That being said, please answer according to the American Political Spectrum, e.g. knowing that what passes for "liberal" in America is actually quite conservative in Sanitystan where you live.

3. The spectrum will be listed from right to left. There are enough choices to allow for a little nuance and not just Rep/Dem/Ind or Conservative/Moderate/Liberal. If your particular profile is not in there, just choose the one that's closest. You know which way you lean. If you don't? Vote planet X.

Are you "Fringe Right Crazy >> Fascist >> Monarchist >> Reactionary >> Conservative >> Libertarian >> Moderate >> Liberal >> Progressive >> Socialist >> Communist >> Fringe Left Crazy

via International Skeptics Forum

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