mardi 25 septembre 2018

Teacher claims she was fired for giving "Zero" grade to students.

Diane Tirado was fired from her teaching position at a Southern Florida K-8 school for giving grades of 0 to students who failed to turn in assignments, going against the school districts policy of awarding no score lower than a 50.

Full Story:

Okay unless I'm missing something (Full caveat: we've really only got the teacher's side of this. The school board make a sort of generic boilerplate statement that's in the article but it sorta didn't say anything. So grain of salt.) I really don't get this.

- These aren't students who turned in a poor project. Or an obviously half assed project. Or a late project. They literally turned in nothing. If "Zero" isn't the appropriate grade for that what is?

- Doesn't a policy of "No grade lower than a 50" just turn a 50 into the new zero? This sounds a lot like a school trying to pad its numbers.

via International Skeptics Forum

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